2: Chosen

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Aria POV :

Morning came like an unpleasant wind.

I took my bath, brushed my teeth and now my mother is dressing me up for the ceremony. She usually smiles while she dresses me up but today she was in deep thoughts and had a straight face.

I on the other hand, so much wanted to ask her what's going on in her mind but my mouth was too heavy to speak.

"I'm done, love ". Mother said with a fake smile.

"Yeah mother. Thanks". I appreciated with a weak smile.

"I'll look for a way to get you out of this". Mother spoke desperately staring at my reflection on the mirror with watery eyes.

"What makes you think so?" I asked hopelessly.

"There's always a solution for every situation. Lora was able to leave the palace so why can't you". Mother spoke with all hopes.

"Mother this is reality. She was released from the palace because she had a very serious disease, which might have affected the maidens in the palace. Mother once you've gotten into that place you can never get out until you've reached the age of 40". I explained.

She stared at me quietly. She quickly hugged me and repeated once more.

"I'll look for a way to get you out of this ". She spoke confidently.

What is wrong with mothers this days. A rule is a rule. Don't she get it.

"Don't doubt me my child, I'll get you out of this. It might take a little time but I'll get you out from that palace as quick as possible". She spoke once more.

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We maidens of the kingdom gathered in the presence of the king and his wife. The two of them were made of beauty. And I won't lie when I say, this was the first time I was setting my eyes on the king and queen. They are beautiful couple.

In this ceremony only 50 young women at the age of 23 to 29 were chosen. We were arranged in three lines and in any minutes we would start dancing in front of the highness. Funny enough I was in the first roll facing the king and I don't like it. I tried swapping lines with other girls but one of the guards slapped me at my back and brought me back to the front.

The pain at my back was burning and arching because I stood under the hot sun. I looked behind me to see my brother fuming with anger but my father held him back.

Beside in this ceremony the king is looking for the 10 best dancers and guess what? I won't dance. I will dance lazily but I won't let any one know that I'm purposely dancing in a lazy manner.

The music started, all maidens started dancing and the competition picked up. Some danced happily some danced sadly and I danced lazily. I don't get but I felt that the king was staring at me and I pushed the thoughts away.

The music stopped and we all were sweating and panting. The queen got up with a smile and spoke with all confident and authoritatively.

"Beautiful set up, beautiful dancing skills, beautiful smiles and most of all beautiful girls. It's a blessing to see you here and I'm proud you respect the traditions of this kingdom..... "

"Damn this tradition". My mind cuts in as she continues.

"As you all know, only 10 would be chosen. I appreciate the mothers and fathers of this girls and I shall pick the best dancers". She said proudly as she began to make her choice.

And finally she picked the last girl. I saw myself staring at the ground and I was shocked that I wasn't chosen. I was more than happy but I didn't show any expression. I raised my head to see other girls happy and some annoyed.

I glanced at the king to see him keeping his eyes on me and I quickly turned to leave that environment.

"The lady on green is also chosen".

A manly voice spoke. It was spoken in power and I stopped on my tracks. I turned around to see I was the only lady on green and my heart skipped. The king chose me. Why?

"Your highness she danced lazily. How can she be chosen".

The guard who slapped me at my back spoke in disagreement with the king.

"It's my choice". The king simply said and turned around to leave as the queen followed him from bind.

No the king must have made a mistake. He meant the girl on yellow. It doesn't even rhyme. Why this? I wanted to cry but I wasn't ready to show people how weak I was.

My family walked up to me and gave me a heart warming hug. I was going to miss it. I was going to miss them a lot. They weren't happy about the choice of the king, they weren't happy that I was chosen but they couldn't do anything.

"Sis you know too well that we love you. Please behave yourself and don't mingle with the wrong people..."

"And It's my promise, I'll get you out of there". Mum cuts in saying hopefully.

"Don't worry too much about me. I'll be fine... I guess". I replied weakly.

"It wasn't bad that I was chosen. There is one advantage and two disadvantages about it". I said and continued

"I'll be safe in that prison called a palace and I'll leave miserably, I won't have the opportunity to know how you all will be doing financially. But I'll be fine". I finally said and they nodded their heads as I left them.

We maidens were forced into a small carriage as we all squeeze ourselves inside it.

I stared at my parents and brother with fear. What if I don't return. A lot of stories were told about the death of some maidens. Once I'm in that palace I won't easily set my eyes on my family again. I'll really miss them. I'll also be lonely.

I'll miss the time my father trains me in a fighting or the times we went fishing, I'll miss the times mother bakes bread and especially cup cakes for my birthdays and the times we'll do dress up and I'll miss the times my elder brother who looks for my trouble or the times we went to the gym.

I'll miss everything. Just because I was Chosen.

So guys what do you think the king is up to?
Thanks for reading💙💙💙💙

And I'll update twice a day.
And oh next update is on Saturday

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