39: I Love U

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     Hello there, I'll say this chapter is going to be pretty long.
And there will be change of POV, I just hope you won't be confused.
   Thank you all soo much. 😢😢😢 👈 This is tears of joy.

Anthony's POV:

I'm now back and alive under 2 days after we had a war with kingdom of simplicity. They thought they were wise, to drop a letter of reconciliation and still think they can appear from no where and attack me.

What they don't know is I've always got army hiding in the east side of this kingdom and villages. What shocked me so much was;

Joseph supported me, that idiot who wanted my jewel supported me. Oh I'll love to elaborate on how it happened.

When I left the palace out of anger, heading to the savanna coast of this kingdom a large army stopped me midway of my chilling time. The King of simplicity was on his horse and he stood in front of his army with a smug smile.

"King Anthony, we have pulled you right into our trap and we will spare your life If you'll surrender and hand over kingdom of eternity to us".

"Oh my that will be too soon".
"Army?". I called out as a huge empire of soldiers matched out of their hiding spot.

Now it was time for me to have a smug smile as they looked at me surprised and in fear, mostly fear.

"Now there king John, who is meant to surrender?".

"Never, we will never surrender to you".
"Attack". He ordered as his army ran towards us.


I commanded as my army shoots poisonous arrow towards them. There was no need for I to fight, I stood rooted on the battle ground and waited for anyone who dares to fight me.

Suddenly I felt a presence behehind me, I looked at the floor to see a shadow being displayed on the ground. I quietly bent down and picked up a sword which was covered in blood as I waited for him to attack first.

As I studied the shadow on the floor, I could see the rising of his sword ready to land on my back and I turned swiftly and held the weapon with my own sword.

When I looked at the person in front of me It was 'Joseph'.
This fucking little bastard he's an army who belongs to kingdom of simplicity.
I am going to kill him.

"How did you get into my palace?". First question I asked.

"There are a lot of ways your majesty". He grinned mischievously.

Then we started fighting trying to target each others neck, when I kicked him backwards he stumbled a little and smiled.

"Your highness, it was a lovely time fighting with you but my target isn't you". He said walking off as he ran towards another direction.

Oh no you idiot, you aren't going any where until I see you dead and dead away from my future wife, Aria.

"Are you afraid to fight?". I threatened running towards him killing anyone of his fellow men who comes my way.

"No, I only came here for his head". He said wickedly pointing at king John.

I was completely speechless.
Why the hell will he want to kill his king?

"Why that?".

"He used my father as a spy to defeat other kingdom and after my father's loyalty towards him, king John killed him. I was next in line to spy your kingdom and his next move was to kill me. He'll pay". He said with all hatred.

"I'll help you". I saw myself saying.

"Why?''. He asked as he cut off someone's hand.

"If you stay away from my kingdom and my damsel".

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