36: Drama

309 39 2

Anthony's POV:

We were now back to the palace as Aria began her normal duties. I stayed in my room checking and signing all the needs and wants in kingdom of eternity.

As I went from pages to pages, I sighted a white envelope. I opened it and read it to my ears.

"We apologies for our ill treatment towards you. Sending our men to assassinate you was foolish of me. Lets dialogue to settle all dispute between each kingdom. We kingdom of simplicity is ready to make peace".

Kingdom of simplicity want reconciliation, how wonderful. If not for my sweet Aria, I would have been seriously ill or dead. Her helping and treating me when I was shot by a poisonous arrow saved my life.

I thank heaven for bringing her into my life.

I quickly wrote my reply, telling them to see me in my palace and handed it to Matthew to deliver it to them.

I was now done with work, heading to the throne room. I sat on my throne expecting Aria to pass by, who I'm I kidding? She won't come around, she doesn't have any duty to carry out here.

Then I'll send for her. I want to see her. We returned from camping yesterday and since today I haven't laid my eyes on that pretty damsel.

I sat on my throne thinking of many things, so many things were going on around my head when I heard my name.

"Anthony". The voice called again.

That voice seems familiar. It wasn't my Aria calling me. I opened my eyes to see someone on a red velvet short dress. That someone who I have vowed not to set my eyes on her anymore.

"Stella, what the hell are you doing here?". I asked being disgusted with her presence.

"Dear Anthony is that how you would welcome me after so many years?".

"You're still talking, in those many years, I wish you were dead".

I heard her and mother gaps. Mother approached us with an annoyed expression.

"Anthony stop talking to her in such manner". Mother corrected.

"Pls, I didn't come to this room for a virus to affect me. If you know what is good for you, just leave".

"Anthony at least hear me out, I made a mistake and I deserve your ill treatment but please give me a chance". She said with pleading eyes.

"Stella, in this life. There are mistakes that can't be corrected, so do me a favour and leave".

"She's your wife to be Anthony". Mother said and I wasn't shocked.

"I know you brought her here mother, you may as well leave with her".

"Anthony at least give her a chance to explain herself. Don't tell me is because of that wastage you're behaving like this to Stella". Mother asked sternly.

What the shit is wrong with this mother of mine. I knew exactly who she was referring to as wastage, how dare she.

"Mother your dare call Aria wastage? Then what do you call Stella, Stella is both a wastage and a refuse". I spoke angrily as Stella looked at me shocked.

"Anthony don't you get it, she's a peasants, a low life. You're a king, a royalty. You're attention should be from a royal and well principled home". Mother argued.

"Mother I don't give a damn. You call Aria a low life, well a low life I'll marry, no one can change my mind. I'm going to marry her. I will get married to Aria and no one else". I spat.

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