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She picked up her ringing phone and put it to her phone

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She picked up her ringing phone and put it to her phone. Hello mama how are you? Am not fine salma how could you do this to me?

How could you hide such a thing from me? So the mama you are calling me is useless it's just a meaningless word aunt nuriyya said in an angry tone.

I see you as my own daughter is this how you repay my love for you. Even if I was on bad terms with you father before he died.

That doesn't change the fact that I am your aunt. Your father wasn't just my brother, he was my confidante, my best friend.

You expect me to seat down and watch his daughter suffer after his death? Why didn't you tell me how your uncle and aunt treats you?

To top it all he intends to get you married to his son. We all know who hadi is and how he behaves.

What would you have done? What would you have done if I didn't find out? I am so disappointed in you.

Aunt listen to me I wanted to tell you but I just couldn't bring myself to tell you that. Am sorry mama please forgive me.

If you stay angry at me I don't know what I will do. You are the only person I can lean on and be happy.

She sighed from the phone and said alright I will take it as you said. Is there anything that you need?

No aunt I don't need anything. Okay salma let's talk later I am a bit busy but next time something like this happens tell me.

Okay aunt she said and they say their goodbyes and hung up the phone. Meanwhile zainab stepped out of her house to buy some beans across the street as she was craving them.

She stopped in her tracks when a fine looking young man stopped her and said can I take a minute of your time?
Zainab and salma sat in class like they usually do with two of their friends behind them during break.

Salma did you see the new collection Dior released yesterday? Salma happily turned around and looked at her.

Yes I saw them and Masha Allah I love them there's the other design the handbag like purse damn.

I want to buy those in black and peach color. Balkis who started the conversation smiled and said wanting is different from having them.

She nodded and said I know it's for the fastest fingers but I'll definitely get them. Shafa looked at her and said can you afford them?

Salma smiled an unreadable smile and said if I can't afford it then your whole family probably can't afford to get you one.

She stood up and left the classroom angrily. She hid in their school matrons office and cried her eyes out.

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