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Salma who just returned from school got out of the car and rushed inside the house. You can say it's been about three days since the fight and things have been back to normal.

Although Naseem didn't directly apologize his actions showed he was feeling apologetic. Tomorrow is D-Day they will be going all the way to Katsina to the girls house who Dawood will marry.

They had a twelve o'clock flight and will return on a seven PM flight. No one needed to pack any bags since it is a day trip.

Junior and the other kids will all be left with umma. It seems to salma that ya Sahla doesn't like this bride but again she can't read minds.

Salma took a deep breath and entered inside the bathroom and took a much needed shower before coming out.

She got dressed and decided to use the office to study today. On her way she heard Naseem's voice talking.

It seems he's in his study. "What do you mean Bilal?"

"Sir, he went there and tried to ask for bail. And I heard things aren't going well at the other house too."

"I don't care what happens in the other house Bilal. What I want is Nusaiba in jail for what she did. She should learn that actions have consequences"

She walked passed the study and went to her office. This is the first time someone came up here since they arrived in this house.

They all meet him in the other side of the house. She sat in her office and started reading up.

She stopped and grabbed the envelope. She took out the documents and realized they are from her father's foundation.

She read through them and stopped at a particular one cause she recognized the name. She grabbed her landline and dialed a bunch of numbers.


"Do you mind sending the chief security officer to my office?"


Shortly after she heard a knock so she fixed her veil and said come in. Bilal opened the door and walked in.

"You called for me?"

"Yes I just happen to go through the files that were sent last month and I saw this" she said and gave him the paper.

"Oh yes I sent that when I heard you foundation helps with situations like that."

"Sure we do help but I didn't think you'd need any help or were you also affected by the salary issue?"

"Yes but thankfully sir fixed the problem and last month we all received full salaries."

"The schools here aren't that good but they aren't bad either. The foundation will look for better schools and enroll them.

But since it's third term I think they should finish it before moving schools. The foundation will take care of the school fees and all financial matters regarding school.

When they reach university the foundation will find them scholarships to university."

Bilal sincerely thanked her and left the study then he closed the door and left the house. Salma caught up on her studies and left the study.

She saw Naseem who was already back from school. His new nanny hanne who was a relative of umma from her extended family had already given him a bath.

She left and decided to watch TV. She was watching when Basira came up and informed her of visitors.

"Who is it?"

"It's farida"

"She's family bring her up"

"I didn't think you would really come"

"Haba I told you I would come so I did"

They talked and caught up.

"Did you hear that honorable will be contesting for speaker?"

Salma shook her head "I didn't know. I thought he was going to contest for his member post"

"Nima I heard sadiq talking about it yesterday. Very soon member will become speaker"

"Insha Allah it's like sadiq has interest in politics"

"He does but I seriously don't want him to get into politics"


"Because it's dangerous. The people will never see what you've done. And insults will only be in the beginning."

"That's right but if he wants you won't be able to stop him. All you can do is pray right?"

Farida left the house after magrib.


Naseem dropped her at the airport eleven thirty dot

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Naseem dropped her at the airport eleven thirty dot. They said their goodbyes and she left for the terminal.

She saw salaha inside waiting for her with her ticket in hand. She collected it and they both went up to wait with the others.

Salma smiled and said good morning to Anti mama, anti Karama and Momy the three sisters of abba.

She also said good morning to umma's two sisters mama and Ammah before saying good morning to the rest there.

They boarded the Arik plane to kaduna and they thankfully arrived in an hour. They already made arrangements for transport to meet them at the airport.

Yesterday the boxes had already been sent through Aseem's men. The eighteen women got inside the ten cars luxury and SUV.

Salma shared a car with saliha and Asiya along with driver. Saliha was in the front seat claiming her brother's wife's won't be seating with driver.

The ride from the airport to their destination took a while as they had to wait by the intersection for the brides brother to come get them as the house is deep in for directions to be made.

Ya Sahla was already angry by the time he arrived. She made sure to comment to him that he had wasted their time.

"Please if you knew you weren't close you could've said so. We are with our elders how would you feel if we left your elders waiting for more than an hour. Learn to be punctual"

She entered inside the car and they took off. Anti mama looked as they made turn after turn. "Where did Dawood find this girl?"

Ya Sahla who was in front kept quite and didn't say anything. They finally stopped in front of a cute house which wasn't big but wasn't small either.

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