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Good morning guys. So apparently most of you didn't understand the ending of OCEAN EYES. Don't worry am here to explain it to you all. So Samira is someone he was kinda seeing but not seeing. I guess he kinda pities her cause she's an orphan. I didn't get into Yusuf's life because the story isn't about him it's about the parents. I don't plan on writing a side story for Yusuf junior but if I ever decided to you guys would fully understand who Samira is. However she's just someone he feels piety for and it's because his mother was an orphan as well but in Samira's case she's not rich because she doesn't have inheritance like salma did. Samira took advantage of his piety and doesn't really love Yusuf Yusuf but Yusuf wealth. I think this sums it up.

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