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"How could you do this Ibrahim? How could you? Is this who you really are?"

Waziri(grandfather) shook his head and hung it down in shame.

"Do you call yourself a father?" Abba scolded

"Because of what you did the step siblings will never get along" baba said disappointed.

"Nuhu call Abdulahad for me"

Abba dialed Naseem's number and he didn't pick up. He tried again and same thing happened.

The two uncles called the numbers of the eight siblings except sahla who was In Makkah for pilgrimage and none of them picked.

"You see what you did? Now your children didn't just go away from you. They went away from the entire family.

Do you expect this eid to be a memorable one? Do you except the other children to embrace their cousins?" Waziri scolded.

"Let me call Sahla and see if they will pick her call"

Abba called her and she picked up.

S: assalamualaikum abba good evening.
A: Ameen wa'alaiki mussalam my daughter. Are you free to talk?
S: yes abba I am free.
A: something unfortunate happened in the house today. Your fath.....
S:Innalillahi wainna illaihir rajiun such an incident took place?
A: yes and now we cannot contact any of them. Even aisha refuses to answer my calls.
S: I didn't know about this abba let me call them. Insha Allah if I get through I will tell them to call you.

After she ended the call she dialed Aseem's number and he picked up immediately.

"Aseem what is going on abba called me saying something happened. How could baba do such a thing? Anya kuwa baba na neman zaman lafiya? (Is baba looking for peace?)"

They talked for almost thirty minutes before she hung up and called Naseem.

"Why are you guys leaving to Greenland?"

"I need a change of atmosphere ya Sahla"

"Leaving won't solve the problem permanently"

"ya Sahla, If I keep seeing him and his son then I might do something I'll regret in the future"


"Hang up we're leaving"

Ya Sahla stared at the phone speechless while her husband glanced at her before looking away.

She sat there for a while and by the time he looked at her again she was silently crying. He stood up from the sofa and pretended as if he didn't see her crying and left the room.

Immediately after he left she fell on the bed and continued shedding tears. She cried for a long time and screened all the calls that came to her phone.


Salma looked at a gloomy Naseem and decided to give him space. She grabbed her veil and said to him "I am joining the girls downstairs"

 She grabbed her veil and said to him "I am joining the girls downstairs"

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She joined them and found the conversation fun. Salaha was laughing at Dawood who's girlfriend of one year broke up with him.

The family sat there having conversations with each other while the kids played in the kids park at the hotel.

They watched Naseem walk out of the elevator and walk past them leaving the hotel. From there they saw him enter a black Lamborghini SUV.

"Surprisingly there's only one day left to eid-Al Adha." Farida said surprised.

"It is not surprising we have been here for more than a week" Asiya replied.

"Don't forget about the fast we will be observing tomorrow" salma reminded them.

Later that night Naseem sat with umma in the living room of the suit she shared with her saliha and salaha along with the female grandchildren.

"I know we are not at home umma but still I thought I should give it. The one hundred rams have been prepared. You can make a list of the people you wish to send them to and I will have my people deliver them."

"What about your father?"

"I sent one hundred to the family house and fifty each for my uncles and twenty each for my aunts. The whole family members received one each except Alhaji Waziri who got thirty.

I also sent to your side of the family. Uncle Shamsu got 50 and aunt Zubaida got twenty. The whole family received one each."

"Naseem since you did this I have no one to give them to Allah yayi ma albarka ya kara budi sannan kuma ya baka ya'yanda zasuyi ma fiyeda yadda kake mana."

"Ameen umma"

"Hala duka ragunan gidan gonar ka rabe?"

"Yes and no about seven hundred rams that had been taken out today. There's still a lot to be taken"

Umma smiled "it must have cost a fortune"

Naseem shook his head "it's a good deed"

"Have you given some to your siblings?"

"Yes I gave them twenty each except the young ones they got ten each"

"Your brothers in law?"

"Umma don't worry they are all family I won't forget about them"


"Am sorry it's just a hundred this year. I thought since I decided to rear them they will be a lot but some died and by the time I was informed it was too late"

She laughed "it is fine Naseem you have tried already"

"Your wife?"

He stood up "umma I know what I am supposed to do stop stressing"

"Good night" she yelled after him as he left.

As soon as he left umma's room he saw heard a ping from his phone. He took it out and looked at it.

It was an alert of two million from Aseem. He smiled and kept walking. He clashed with Asiya on her way up and they said hi before he left.

Another alert came through and another one after it. A million from ya Sahla and five hundred thousand from sadiq.

He didn't realize it but he was smiling wildly by the time he passed them in the lobby on his way to the restaurant.

Is this sadiq's first time? He thought before shrugging and looking up to see where he was going.

He was eating but his second phone kept blowing up. He didn't have to look to know it was messages of thanks from his relatives.

He switched it to silent and kept eating. Back in Nigeria everyone knew it was a permanent thing that had been happening for ten years straight.

Naseem shares rams to the family for eid and if it was Eid-El Kabeer he would send money to them to celebrate the festival.

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