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Family register of Bello Waziri and that of Ibrahim Bello Waziri

Bello Waziri gave birth to six children three boys and three girls. The eldest being Nuhu(abba), the second eldest is Musa(baba), the third eldest is Ibrahim(baba karami).

The fourth is Zainab(anti mama) and then Umaima(anti) and lastly Halima(momy).


Naseem 36
Sadiq & Saliha 30
Dawood 26
Sameer 23
Nabeel & Salaha 18

Baba and his third wife Sumayya

Qasim same age as Sameer
Arfat same age as nabeel


He looked at baba and said "as I was saying. They are greedy, shameless and outright disrespectful.

They have no idea what respect is and maybe it is because they were raised differently however that will not work in this house.

My say is since we never knew them you chose to keep them a secret you can still do so. Send them back to whatever state you kept them and they'll live like before."

"Why are you talking down on me? Who do you think you are to decide if I and my kids get to stay or leave?"

Naseem didn't spare her a glance and just kept his eyes on baba "This here is an example of why they will not live in this house."

"Naseem I know what you are thinking but Sumayya will behave herself. It's better to live as a one family than divide ourselves."

He shook his head and said "neither Sumayya nor her kids want peace. Had they came here with the intention of peace then her useless daughters would not have attempted what they did."

"Who the he-"a loud sound filled the air and the next thing was the shattering sound of a glass and a chair falling to the ground.

Qasim has a busted forehead which was bleeding as Naseem stood with his hands on the table and his chair down behind him.

"I told you not to interfere when I am speaking. Even those older than you keep quite when I am speaking how dare you interrupt me."

Naseem looked at Sumayya and said "sit back down or get the hell out of this house. It is very rude to stand and leave a conversation while someone else is talking.

You don't have basic manners that's why your kid's don't have them as well. They glared at each other and then Sumayya sat back down.

You can have them here baba but if that happens then I will move my mother and siblings elsewhere.

Not because of the fear of them doing something but because it is an insult to my
Mother to live in the same house as them.

My advice is they should go back to Kano and stay there quietly like they did. Umma and Hafsat will stay in either Abuja or Lagos like before."

"I don't think that is quite right" baba said.

Naseem opened his mouth to speak but Umma looked at Naseem and said "Abdulahad that's enough."

"Alright! That's enough about family as one. Let's go upstairs and hold a real family meeting. I have something to discuss to my siblings about."

They sat in umma's large living room and all kept quite. "Let's talk about individual families shall we? I am permanently moving back to Abuja.

Salma and I will only be going back to Lagos for holidays or weekends. She'll start school and it'll be hard to drive around because of the traffic."

"That's good considering I am based there and so is sadiq and saliha. The only ones in Lagos were you and sahla."

"Naseem looked at Sahla and she nodded before saying since we'll all be going back umma should just pack back."

"I have a very important thing to say. Since I am going to hajj I already promised that if I gave birth to another son I would give him to Naseem.

Well today with the permission of his father I am handing him over to Naseem as promised before."

Naseem looked at her and smiled a real genuine smile and took Naseem junior from her hand.

He looked at the few months old baby and said "shall we start our adventure?" Umma slightly shook her head and said Naseem! 

Salaha turned on the TV and unfortunately it was the news channel. A fire seemed to have started at a gas station.

Salaha shook her head and said "ya Naseem it's one of vintage petrol station." Naseem who was busy talking with Sahla turned to the TV.

He watched the news for a few seconds before taking out his phone from his pocket. He saw ten missed calls from Bilal and three from Ibrahim.

Kashim's call came from another phone he rejected the call and dialed a number saved as Abubakar.

He adjusted Naseem junior and listened to the phone. "Hello sir?"

He calmly asked and said "what am I seeing on the news?"

"I was gathering information that is why I didn't call you. So far the investigation points to the manager.

There was a leakage somewhere and the manager happened to smoke a cigarette and everything went up in flames."

"Any casualties?"

"Yes. The manager passed away and also one of the workers that was taken to the hospital passed away.

The vintage petrol station was locked for maintenance so there were no civilians just six workers and the manager who was there for supervision."

"So far you said two are dead what about the other four?" He asked still looking at the TV.

"The four are in the hospital I have sent two of my boys to check it out and inform me." He watched the TV as if he was trying to find someone.

His eyes stayed glued to a man who was dressed in a sky blue shadda. He looked away and said "leave the site and go to the hospital.

Find out what is happening and settle the hospital bills. This falls under industrial accident.

I won't give anything to the managers family if he really smoked within the station as he is the cause of all this.

However investigate thoroughly. Pay the family of the worker who passed away a sum of fifty million naira as compensation.

As for the other four in the hospital if any of the workers turn out to be disabled because of the accident give the disabled thirty million.

If the person isn't disabled then pay ten million. And as soon as everything is confirmed to the very last detail the press team should send an official statement to be published."

As soon as he hung up he turned off all his three phones and turned to Dawood "have you met Isah Mai Barno yet?"

"No yaya I was busy with the presentation to open up Vintage Malls that is why."

"Dawood if I remember correctly then I would say that presentation was due a week ago. And isah has been in Nigeria for about two weeks now.

He is only in Nigeria because you wanted to work with him as his PA to gain experience didn't you?"


Naseem straightened his posture "then do you mind explaining to me why you haven't met him yet?"

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