okay - maddy

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Maddy n u ending nate😁😁

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Maddy n u ending nate😁😁

Me and maddy were in the school bathroom, skipping our classes and i was sitting on the bathroom sink while bb was vaping in the stall and maddy was fixing her hair in the mirror.

soon we heard the bell ring and we left to go to our classes. I was sitting and minding my business when i felt someone sit beside me and whem i saw it was nate i mentally groaned.

He passed me a note saying we need to talk and my heart started besting fast because this shit was creepy as hell

He came a little too close to me for my liking and whispered "you know that ex boyfriend of yours, yeah we're really good friends if you dont break up with maddy in the next 12 hours ill spread some nasty things about you, you wouldnt even be able to show your face to anyone" he pulled away smiled and got up.

My crippling anxiety was acting up and i felt like throwing and crying i was at our schools lunch table and i soon saw maddy, kat and bb sit at our table, i felt maddys hand go upto my hair to het ut out of my face.

"Whats wrong y/n" she asked with suspicion. "I think we should break up" she immediately gave me a "wtf look"

"You have to be joking" i saw her ask with hope but it all vanished when she saw the fact that i was crying.

"What happened bae dont even play right now" she asked this time demandingly.

"Its nate" i said slowly hoping she wouldn't hear but she did. "What'd he do" she spoke with venom lacing from her voice.

"He threatened to spread rumours about me through my ex boyfriend" more tears fell from my eyes. When i felt maddy pull me into a hug and said "dont cry baby its okay"

Me, kat, maddy and bb made a plan after some time.

I saw a girl come up to me and maddy "nate asked me to the dance" i looked at her weirdly.

I thought for a second and this was the perfect chance.

"Isnt he gay?"

I was chilling in front of my locker looking for my phone when i saw nate come up to me.

He started yelling at me. "WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR PROBLEM" with his hands going upto his head.

I just smiled at him and said "okay." And went to the class i had next.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2022 ⏰

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