Part 3

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JK: Uff! I was hungry and now, after this session, I'm even hungrier.

Tae POV: I guess it is very hard to find a partner like him. It's not like, I am interested into him but still good body, good looks with good personality. But he is luckier to have me. huh!

JK: Hey, I've been mean to ask but still... did you say that blood was 500 years old? Then, does that mean you're 500 years old? You look like just a little kid!

Tae: Kid? Hey!! I'm older than that. I'm probably around 1000 years old now! How the hell old are you?!

JK: it was a little before the dawn of humanity... sooo... around 2 million years if I'm not wrong.

Tae: the hell...? Look at you gramps! (grandfather) You cradle robber!

JK: this gramps surely gives you a good cramps right? *laugh*

Tae: *roll his eyes* oh yeah, give me your number... *giving his phone*

JK: are you trying to score my number right now? Seems a little late for that.

Tae: oh, please! Look, you're my only food source now. Do you know how serious this contract is? Whenever I'm hungry you need to run to my side like my personal lunch box, got it?

JK: *raise his eyebrow* what happens if I don't?


JK: do you have memory loss issue? I already told you, I'm a Demon. I can't die. Hey, look. You just bite my neck a few minutes ago. If I were a normal person, I would be dead after all that blood loss, Right?

Tae: *teary eyes* B-But I can only drink your blood... if I don't, I'll starve to death!

JK: hmm... *thinking* Then, I have a solution to this.

Tae: *jump* Really? What is it?

[JK just inserted his hand under Tae's stomach. Tae was shock with the action because it is give him strong nausea.]

JK: Stay still, hmm... *moving his hands up and down* look like you didn't let those 1000 years go to waste. You had a meal every twice a day?

Tae: URGH... Wh-What is this? What the hell are you doing inside my stomach?

JK: Look at all the souls (people) you've eaten. Great!

[If you still didn't get it then I explain you... Vampire need blood to survive as well as demon need human soul to survive. Whenever demon take out soul from human body that soul convert it into one shining crystal which they eat it like candy/meal. Tae was more than 1000 years old so he has more than 2000 souls in his body because he drinks 2000 people blood.]

[JK swing out his hand from Tae's stomach with 1 shining Crystal Soul in his hand]

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[JK swing out his hand from Tae's stomach with 1 shining Crystal Soul in his hand]

JK: Our contract is now in effect, earlier it looks like one-sided. I'll give you my blood and you give me the souls inside your body. *flip that crystal in mouth* hmmm... Tasty...

Tae: *cough* WHAT... WHAT THE HELL YOU DID? My poor stomach! Next time inform me before doing this kind of action.

[After that JK and Tae exchange the numbers still without knowing each other's name and part their ways]

||Next Day at Hospital Canteen||

News on Television: Another body was found near the reservoir in the Jaesuh Area. Wounds on the neck and various bruises in another so-called "Vampire Murder". The authorities found similarities to previous murder cases and will thoroughly investigate...

Nurse 1: *eating* Come on... don't you feel a little scared when you see that on TV?

Nurse 2: I know, right? How can someone go around murdering people like that? Don't you agree Dr. Kim? *no response*

[So, the 2 nurses and Tae having lunch together while watching the news where Tae was lost in his own imagination world]

Nurse 1: ... Dr. Kim?

Tae: huh? Yeah... I agree!

Nurse 2: Has something happened lately? You don't look so well.

Nurse 1: It's true. Maybe you should brew a packet of herbal medicine for yourself?

Tae: aah, I'm fine! Just something bothering me, that's all!

Tae POV: What's bothering me... is my A$$! It hurt like hell when I'm sitting down... Damn!! Someone with a Dick like a forearm pounding away like that... of course I'm not okay!

Tae: *pain smile* I'm going back in first! *left the place*

Nurses: OK SIR!

[When Tae left, Nurses saw the food around Tae's plate was as it is. We can say Tae barely eat anything]

Nurse 1: I've always notice that Dr. Kim eats like bird.

Nurse 2: I'm worried for him; I guess one day he'll faint.

[Tae took the lift, Canteen was on 2nd floor and his personal clinic was on 5th floor]

Tae POV: Whew, Human food always turns my stomach upset. No matter how many times I eat it; I never get used to it.

[Tae was standing at reception counter and checking his appointment list where he hears the sound of door opening]

Tae: *without looking up* I'm sorry, the clinic is still closed for lunch...

??: Oh, I think you're open for me?

Tae: huh? *Look up* Wh-What? How did you find me here!?

JK: WOW... You've got a clinic in this famous hospital. Not bad at all.

["Clinics in Hospital" means, in different countries a big hospital build where different floors purchased or rented by only doctors. Eg: 1st floor Neurologist, 2nd floor Physiotherapist etc...]

JK: SO, you're a doctor of oriental medicine? No wonder you were so good for my stiff muscles.

Tae: How did you find me? We never share our names or professions.

JK: You put your cellphone number on your website and you're surprised I found you? That's... surprising!

Tae: UGH! Why the hell are you here?!

JK: Obviously... *hands on Chin* Because it's lunch time. I'm hungry.

Tae: What? What the hell do you mean? Wasn't it just yesterday that you ate that "Crystal Thing" you pulled out of me?

JK: What are you talking abooout? *pout* Even people eat three times a day. So, what makes you think that Demons who wrote the textbook on SINS, only eat once a Week?

Tae: *Shout* Still, you can't just show up at my job like this! Don't you know how to use a phone gramps?! You could've just called!!

JK: *scratch his nape* heheh Maybe next time!

[Tae just Pull JK's tie and drag him to his personal cabin.]

JK: Oh, so this is your office? Hmm... *reading name plate* Dr. Kim Taehyung... This name is so old fashion. *laugh*

Tae: What's wrong with my name? LEE DO himself gave it to me because of my amazing acupuncture skills. *proud*

JK: Who's Lee Do?

Tae: *frustrated* The man on 10000-won currency. Back in 1400s it was really popular name! what about your name?

[JK just flip his business card toward Tae]

Tae: Jeon Jungkook *laugh* uncommon ghost name and you're making fun of me.

JK: It's not my real name. That's just the name of this body.

Tae: Then, what's your real name?


A/N: Don't forget to give your valuable vote and share your feedback ;]

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