Part 1

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[A disco club where everyone dancing on the high beat music. There is 2 unknown person dancing side by side, eying on each other.]

JK: Kiss me...

Tae POV: I don't want to kiss any human? But I guess this much I can do. I just have to trick him, drink his blood and vanished.

[Tae and JK didn't share their names, identity or anything but out of nowhere they are kissing each other. Maybe they are doing this because they both want something with each other?]

JK: wanna get out of here?

Tae: ...Sure!

[on the way to the motel room, JK rubbing his huge bulge with Tae's. With this kind of action Tae is also feeling hot and needy. Tae has something different plan with this human]

Tae POV: I never attach with anyone physically but this boy drives me crazy. Maybe I should do it this time and then I will drain his blood from head to toe and no one knows where he disappears...

JK: Suck me...

Tae POV: oh my... *fluster* his length hung like a baseball bat... it's so big... *taking in mouth* My jaw! I can barely get half in.

[Tae was struggling so JK just push himself fully in Tae's mouth. They completed their blowjob round where Tae impatiently spread his legs and indicating JK to put it in...]

JK: You are really hot... *while inserting his Length*

Tae: *scream* you're so huge... 

[Tae and JK enjoying their wild intimacy with each other. I really don't wanna count how many rounds but it is enough for Tae to doubt this human because JK still look fresh and all pump up without any tiredness in his body. Tae was all tired so he finally decided to drink that human blood. He brings out his fangs and when he faces JK he saw JK's black dark wings]

Tae: *shock* A Demon?!

JK: *shock* A Vampire?!

Tae: *annoyingly* ahh I can't take this... I'm going for shower.

JK POV: *Open his phone's search engine* "Vampires, Evil creature that rise out of grave at night to $uck the blood out of the living. Superficially, they don't look all that different from humans. What sets them apart is their lack of a reflection in mirrors and their lack of a shadow. It is said that they fear crosses and garlic and driving a silver iron stake through their heart or burning them are ways to...  Kill Them." Why the hell am I reading up on this...? This wasn't the plan. My plan was to chat up some nice looking guy... have some fun... and eat that guy in my delicious meal afterwards. *flapping his wings in frustration* How the hell did things end up like this? I guess if you 'live' long enough, it wouldn't be strange to end up in bed with a vampire... Maybe I should drink something.

[JK didn't found any water bottle around so he checks his clothes but he saw one cute small red bottle on Tae's jacket so he hurriedly opens it and... Meanwhile in bathroom]

Tae POV: *in bathtub* A Demon... how would this happen? Maybe I'm dead and this is hell...? But is there a hell where you get to have such amazing SEX? *ahem* So, what happen to me now? I had SEX with a Demon, So... Does this mean I'm going to burn in hell? *Stepping out of bathroom* Huh? What's this...

Tae: *huff* HEY!!!!

JK: *take a sip* huh? What?


JK: *gulp the drink* Wh-what's wrong? Why are you screaming? What the hell was this drink and why does it taste so...?


Special Contract with Vampire | Taekook FFWhere stories live. Discover now