Final Part 15

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[JK flipped the position & take lube in hands. JK wanted to prepare Tae well before doing anything further. After coating himself and Tae with lube he inserted his finger where Tae hissed in pain. After few seconds, JK inserted 2 fingers and started thrusting]

Tae: Ahhmmmgghhh... Jungkookahhh...

[JK kissed on Tae's forehead and inserted his length in one go where Tae dig his nails on JK's back and loudly moaned. JK gave him some time to adjust. After few second JK slowly started trusting but the speed increasing eventually. JK hitting Tae's g-spot again and again where Tae asking for more]

Tae: I'm close...

JK: Not yet... I'm not done yet...

[After more minutes, JK cum inside Tae and Tae cum all over their stomach. JK pulled himself out where both of them catching their breathes]

Tae: Your size is no joke... it's wrecked my ass very badly.

JK: Sorry... *peck Tae's cheeks*

[JK cleaned both of them because Tae is not able to move a bit. Both of them flopped on the bed while covering themselves with blankets.]

JK: Before you drift in your sleep I wanted to give you something.

[JK fwip his hands and bring that rose gold ring which is disappeared earlier. JK ask Tae's permission and inserted that ring on Tae's ring finger]

JK: My real name is "Jeungukie" which is engraved inside the ring. Whenever you need my help or you are in an emergency, just call me by my real name and I'll appeared as soon as possible. But remember, only in emergency or some urgent work because disappeared or summoned in fort of humans may give them heart attack or put me in trouble.

Tae: *peck JK's lips* I'm lucky to have you in my life.

[Tae hide his face inside JK's neck and drift in sleep. JK can sense that Tae is tired, he wanted to ask one more thing but maybe for later...]

||After 6 Months||

[In these 6 months, JK and Tae finally decided to live together in one apartment. They bought new apartment which is near to Tae's clinic and JK's office. Jin and RM's relationship comes out beautifully where finally Jin confessed his love and RM accepts it. Today, Jin decided to release RM from the Lock Up with settling all the legal liabilities and charges. J-hope and JK waiting outside the Jail to pick RM and Jin.]

[After 15 min, both of them came outside where J-Hope hugged RM and welcome him to the family where JK just bow and sit down in his car. RM can sense the awkwardness. Everyone decided to gathered at Taekook's house where Tae is preparing welcoming lunch for RM. After few minutes, doorbell rings and Tae opened the door where he welcomed RM excitedly. Everyone settled down at living room]

Tae: I'm so happy today, finally Jin hyung got his love. I wish you both always stay happy and healthy.

RM: *hold Jin's hand* In these months; he is the one who taught me what is true love all about. I've already stopped believing in humanity but I guess immortals have more humanity compare to humans. Thanks for making me a better person, I'll never leave your side in any possible condition.

JK: *gets up annoyingly* never-ever think of hurting him (Jin), otherwise I'll be the first one who eats your soul.

[JK left without hear anything further]

Jin: *confuse* What's wrong with him?

[Tae was about to go but RM insist to have alone conversation with JK. RM enter JK's room but still Tae, Jin and J-Hope eavesdropping them because they can't trust JK's mood]

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