Part 10

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J-Hope: But answer me one thing, have you killed those 20 humans?

Tae: NO, not at all...

[Then Tae and JK explained every single thing about their special contract and what happen when a vampire drinks up a human]

J-Hope: That means it is done by a psycho human. JK let me warn you, Jackson can't sit quite till then he finds the murderer. We know he is suspecting Taehyung and he will continue to doubt on him only. So you know what to do right?

JK: Yes, I know...

J-Hope: *smirk* then continue what you are doing... *fog disappear*

JK: hmm... so where are we...

[Tae didn't say anything but his sadness is visible so JK just carry Tae in bridle style and took him to their shared room. JK and Tae lay down on bed facing each other where JK giving head kisses to Tae.]

JK: You don't have to worry about anything, just trust me and leave everything on me.

Tae: I don't care about this case or Mr. Wang anymore but...

JK: *kiss on his cheeks* but what?

Tae: I don't know anything about you, your work, your qualification, your family... I already told you about my past that I didn't remember any single thing.

JK: You want to know about me? *take a deep breath* you know my name already. I am CEO of Jeon Company which is very famous all over the Asia. I'll surely take you to my office someday. If we talk about my family, Demons don't use to have family but Hobi hyung is my sunbaenim who gave me Demon Duties where Jin Hyung and BAM helped me to complete the duty. Hobi Hyung wants me to achieve as much degree as I can so it can help us anytime. I have professional degrees of business, lawyer, chef, gamer, hacker etc.

Tae: *big eyes* WoW! You have cleverly used your 2 million years... and what about l-love life? You didn't love anyone in these past years?

JK: Yes, I use to love one human from the bottom of my heart but...

Tae: But...

JK: When I confess my love and reveal that I'm a Demon, she became needy of money and wealth. Her demands automatically raised to next level which shows her real and true personality towards me.

Tae: Then what you did?

JK: *laugh* then I just take her soul crystal out of her body and eat it like a good meal...

Tae: and what if... I... Cheats on you?

JK: Then I'll do this...

[JK started tickling Tae on his belly button which is the most sensitive part of his body]

Tae: *begging* I'll never *laugh* do this, ple-please *laugh* stop...

JK: Then kiss me...

[Tae finally captured JK's lips and pouring all his emotions into it where JK just tore Tae's shirt and throw it somewhere in the room]

Tae: *while kissing* I missed you a lot... this one week goes really hard on me. Jungkookah make me forget everything...

[JK started kissing Tae on his lips and then slowly-slowly moving down towards the neck living purple dark hickeys which is giving shiver loud moans to Tae. JK start nibbling his nipples by licking and biting on it where Tae arch his back and harshly pulled his own hair.]

Tae: *lick his lips* enough of this, fuck me already...

JK: But let me prepare you first.

Tae: I can't wait anymore...

[Tae extended his right hand and open the drawer and throw lube bottle towards JK. Where JK just smirk and coated lube on his length and inserted his length on Tae's soft hole in one go.]

Tae: *teary eyes* Jungkookah... *moan* more... more...! Hold me tight and harder please!

JK: are you sure? Tae you are sensitive and...

Tae: Shh... it is okay. Hurry... unnggghhhh....

[JK fasten his speed and attached his lips on Tae so he can suppress his pain. After 4 hours and countless rounds finally Tae drift in sleep where JK just staring his stubborn cute Vampire but in his deep sleep Tae is murmuring something...]

Tae: *trembling in fear* Please, you must believe me... N-No... don't burn me... it's hurting...

[JK just caressed Tae's hair, took him under his arm and started whispering soothing calm words which is always works on Tae. Meanwhile...]

||At Jeon Corporation||

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||At Jeon Corporation||

Yuna: Mr. Jin it's been 10 days I've not seen Mr. Jeon, is he alright?

Jin: Don't worry Yuna, JK is busy with his foreign trips. He'll back soon.

Yuna: Can you gave me his personal number if you don't mind?

Jin: *annoyingly* Yuna, I don't mind but JK surely mind and... *phone rings* Oh sorry... excuse me please!

[Jin takes a deep breath and picks up the call]


JK: Take a deep breath hyung and tell me properly I just understand 'Yuna' and 'this'. *laugh*

Jin: I can't handle this Yuna anymore, I need extra payment for handling this irritating girl.

JK: but I thought to sponsored a good trip for you...

JIN: *excited* TRIP? Wait... what you need in return?

[JK Explained everything regarding Tae's incident, how they met J-hope and lastly J-hope wants him to do this task]

Jin: Hmm... so is it something worth my while... but I need BAM's help also. So join me with BAM.

[JK just flap disappear from the window. After 2 hours, Tae wake up from his sleep where he found himself all alone. He saw 2 messages on his phone]

SMS 1: Had to go to the office for a fit. Text me when you feel hungry. Love you my memory loss Vampire!

Reply: Shut Up You Gramps...

SMS 2: Dr. Kim, so should we come into work or not?

Reply: We're close this week. Please put a sign on the front door.

Tae POV: Jungkookah... what's going to happen now?

[On the other side, Jin reached the area which is indicated by BAM. Jin saw a boy with red helmet sitting on a racing bike looks like waiting for someone]

Jin POV: Hmm... so that's the target. I can see 21 crystals in his body. By-the-way his looks, not bad at all and his scent quite powerful and attractive.

[Jin fwip his hand and bring coffee in his hand magically and started walk toward RM sassily. Jin again fwip his hand and bring pebbles on road where he dis-balance and throw all his coffee on RM's jacket]


A/N: Don't forget to give your valuable vote and share your feedback ;]

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