Part 6

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Tae: How? In a human? Are you sure that person is human?

JK: Obviously! He was a serial killer who killed 29 people and some innocent animals. My duty was keeps a close watch on them and eat those crystal one by one and lastly their own soul. Humans are so stupid; they try to make innocent face even when they are standing at the gate of hell! They try to use me in order to selfishly acquire power and glory for themselves... but in the end, they end up selling their lives to me. Up until now, I guess I've met about... 5,000 humans like that.

[Note: if a human killed 1 person, his/her body reflect 2 soul crystals. If he killed 10 people their body reflect 11 soul crystals. 1 own soul + 10 other. Even animal's souls also added or counted if they have killed and only Demons can see that.]

Picture- [1st: Normal Body 2nd: Body with many souls]

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Picture- [1st: Normal Body 2nd: Body with many souls]

Tae: You remember all that? That's surprising! I... remember less and less. It's getting foggier. Who I loved 100 years ago, what that love felt like... what kind of life I lived... I don't remember anything.

JK: You're very peculiar!

Tae: Shut up! *pout* You grumps...

JK: *laugh* this is the first time in 20,000 years someone calling me 'Gramps'. You still didn't know the power of my charm, girls and boys used to go crazy over me...

Tae: *jealous* it's sounds like you are missing your fun and free old life and I have trapped you here... hmphh!

JK: *coming closer to Tae* Now, Now... You better be careful before showing your emotions in front of a Demon.

Tae: Emotions? What emotions?

JK: *smirk* don't try to be cheeky about it, I can smell it.

Tae: Smell what? *confuse*

JK: The scent of emotions. The tastiest of human souls give off a scent. Like- Envy, discord, wrath, hunger, greed, jealousy, sloth, lust, anger, etc... Demons sniff out those scents then sit and wait for that soul to ripen into its most delicious state and right now, *rubbing his nose on Tae's cheeks* you're giving off quite the delicious smell right in front of me.

Tae: That's good! *slide JK's bathrobe* because when you look at me like I'm delicious, it's feel like I'm on fire.

JK: You're crazy and drives me crazy too...

[JK slides his two fingers on Tae mouth where Tae automatically started to suck it. JK removed his fingers where Tae immediately started to give tongue lick kiss to JK. In between the sloppy kiss, JK spread Tae's legs and inserted his finger to make that area little prepared. JK squeeze his forearm size length into Tae's little region which make Tae to moan loud. JK take Tae's legs and rest it into his own shoulder to go more deep]

Tae: *loud moan* too deeppp!!!

JK: It's a lot easier to squeeze into you now.

Tae: Shut Up! It's only because you keep pounding away at me every day... ahhh... wait!!... too roughhhh... Anghh!! I'm... Cum-ing...

JK: Wait for me...

||Next Day at Kim Clinic||

News: Many of you concerned about the "Vampire Murders". Firstly, it is advised that everyone limit going outside as much as possible...

Nurse Hana: *sign* come on... I can't stand it. Lately, my mom's been nagging me about getting out of my lease and moving back home.

Nurse Sara: OH, Really? But your mom not wrong either. The world's been so chaotic lately.

Nurse Hana: Agh! When are they going to catch that Vampiry MONSTER?

[While this conversation going on, Tae enter the clinic]

Tae POV: *flinch* Monster?

Nurse Sara: Oh, Dear! Dr. Kim, you've been looking so drained off late.

Nurse Hana: It's true. You're just skin and bones. You're not dieting or anything, are you?

Tae: oh, Not at all. It's nothing like that.

Tae POV: It's because that Bunny Demon been taking life's out of me and not allow me to sleep at night. He firstly eats and then burn the non-existing calories...

[DING-DONG, someone enter the clinic]

??: Do you take walk-in appointments?

Nurse Hana: Yes, come in. Is this your first time here?


A/N: Don't forget to give your valuable vote and share your feedback ;]

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