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A windstorm had started up, and Rose found herself trudging slowly through the sandy dunes with her bandana pulled over her mouth and nose and her eyes squinted to keep out the blowing dust. Another gust whooshed past her, and she paused as the fierce wind blew past her ears and almost knocked her off her feet.

She could see the end of the desert in the far distance, and she knew that she would have to hurry in order to make it before the sky became too dark for her to see. So, Rose picked up her pace and bounced across the ground, her boots sinking into the sand with each step.

She could barely see her hand in front of her when she finally stepped out of the desert and into the grassy savanna. The open sky above her shined with twinkling stars, and the round, yellow moon hung high above her head with a bright glow. Rose tossed her sword on the ground next to the nearest acacia tree and pulled her backpack off her shoulders.

When she sat down with her back against the tree trunk, she closed her eyes and played through the day's events in her head. A clear image of the map came to the front of her mind and she found herself mentally tracing the red line that would lead her to the treasure.

Rose also thought about her fight with the stranger who had taken her map. It was rare to see hybrids nowadays, and the man she had seen at the temple was one of them. The tusks on his face only added to his fearsome figure, along with the long, braided pink hair that fell down to his lower back.

Rose was sure that she would cross paths with him again once she reached the location of the treasure. The male was searching for it just like her, else he wouldn't have stolen the map.

After a moment, she reached up and pulled the hair tie from her low ponytail, allowing her wavy, dirty blonde hair to fall to her shoulders. She sighed and leaned her head against the tree's trunk, setting her sword over her lap and placing her hands on top.

The night was mostly silent, minus the occasional bursts of wind that blew over from the desert. It whistled through the branches and weaved around the tall grass, blowing grains of sand onto the side of her face.

- - - - - - - - - -

The day was more pleasant in the savanna, and Rose enjoyed the warm sunlight on her face—though she knew that the heat would be less bearable as the sun traveled higher in the sky. The grass was brownish yellow in color and crunched beneath her boots, with the dry ground kicking up clouds of dust with each step.

Trees were far and few between, but the occasional acacia's thick canopy provided a cool shade. Rose paused beneath one of them and leaned her sword against its knotted trunk before grabbing a small, metal canteen from her backpack.

She pulled the cap off with her teeth and lifted it up to her lips, the lukewarm water streaming into her dry mouth. After a moment, she flipped the cap back on and returned it to her backpack, and then glanced up at the canopy above her.

The long, thin branches were intertwined together like a maze, small slits of sunlight shining through the thin leaves and down to the ground. Patches of long grass littered the sun-dried savanna, and Rose watched the straw-like blades rustle gently with each passing breeze.

She picked up her sword and continued on, towards the outlines of a savanna village up ahead. It would be the first stop on her journey to the treasure's location, as the red line on the map passed through the village before cutting through the towering mountain range beyond it.

Rose looked up at the mountains. Just the looming shadow of the jagged peaks sent a shiver down her spine.

- - - - - - - - - -

The village was small compared to many Rose had seen in her days, and all of the townsfolk seemed to have a fearful and distrusting look in their eyes. As she walked down the main path that led through the heart of the town, the few that stood nearby glanced warily at her over their shoulders. She finally turned and entered a small tavern, coming to a stop next to the front desk. An eldery woman with graying hair looked up at her.

"I've only got two rooms, an' they both be booked for the night, missy," the woman said boredly, her voice hoarse and high-pitched, "Afraid you have to find elsewhere to spend the night."

"I'm not looking for a room." She deliberately placed a gold coin on the countertop without breaking the woman's gaze. She looked down at the gold and then back at Rose with an eyebrow raised. "I'm looking for information about someone who may have passed through this town recently."

"You'll want to talk with the village bard." Her knobbly hand reached out and grabbed the coin, turning it over in his fingers to admire the shiny surface. "He sees everyone who passes through and can tell you a whole lot about 'em."

"Where can I find him?" Rose questioned.

"Likes to spend his days out front o' the ol' church," she replied, "I'd check there."

"I appreciate the information." She gave the woman a quick nod before exiting the tavern again. Glancing up, only one building stuck out from the rest of the town—a cobble steeple that belonged, Rose assumed, to the church. The rocks looked to be crumbling from the building and it seemed as if a single burst of wind would topple the fragile structure.

When she approached the church, the first thing to catch her eye was the old man that sat on the building's front steps. There was a white cap on the crown of his head and a long, scraggly beard on his face that messily drooped down to his chest. As if he sensed her arrival, the old bard turned to face her—his hazel eyes seeming to stare deep into her own gray ones.

"Now, what do we have here?" The man asked in a sing-song voice, a crooked grin on his face, "A fierce, young maiden who's seeking adventure; chasing a stranger she met by chance. The two of you seek the same hidden treasure, yet..."

"How...how do you know that?" Rose demanded in surprise. She walked closer to the man, until they were only a few steps apart. The bard shifted to lean his back against the wall of the church, gently strumming the ornate wooden lute in his hands.

"A person's eyes reveals all of their secrets," he hummed mysteriously, "You've got quite a story hidden within yours. So does the man you've come to question after."

"So he did pass through here," she remarked, "Did he continue towards the mountains?"

"Indeed. He stopped to purchase some provisions before riding off on his horse once more. There was an old, yellowed map clutched tightly in his hands, I recall."

A flash of anger passed through her upon hearing his words. "Well, do you know how he got that map? He stole it from me—right out of my hands!"

"So you intend to find the treasure first?" He guessed as he looked up at her with a curious expression.

"I do," she responded firmly, "I would love to see the look on his face when I get my hands on the treasure—give him a taste of his own medicine."

"Be cautious of your words and actions," the bard warned, staring deep into her eyes once more, "If you do come across that man again, try looking into his eyes—they contain dark secrets and an even darker past."

Her mouth pulled into a straight line. Before she chose a response, though, the man spoke up again.

"I'd say that it would be best if you continued on your travels," he suggested, "each minute, that man is gaining distance between you. Besides, he rides on horseback while you walk."

An idea suddenly sparked in Rose's mind. "Is there anywhere in this village that I can purchase a horse?"

A sly smile slipped onto the bard's face, as if his intention was to lead her to this conclusion all along. "Go back towards the tavern you visited earlier, then turn right. You will find a stable."

A/n - Chapter 2!
Hope you guys are liking this so far (:
I'm honestly super excited about this story and all the ideas I have for it!! Although, I assure you we will eventually see Kayla and Wilbur and the others back in Manburgia again XD
Love y'all <3

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