Some Info

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I'm New QuQ

Hiya! So this isn't my first time writing a story, but it's my first story that I want to publish on here. I'm writing on a different platform first, then copy and pasting it over onto here.

I can't promise consistent uploads, but I will promise that I won't let any of my stories go completely unfinished. That shit drives me nuts when authors do that, but I understand for the most part. Even if I have to end on a really bad note with the story, I'll always complete it.

The Story

Trigger warnings (some spoilers) - Blood, gore, murder, killing, psychopathy, insanity, harm, pain, physical violence

There will probably be some light shipping but nothing too serious. Maybe some fluff, who knows. No smut or lemon or anything of the sorts.

I will not adding / mentioning anything that is currently happening between Russia and Ukraine in this story. They may appear as characters but nothing more.

I'd also like to mention that if there are any countries in this story that is badly spoken about, it has no prior judgment or bias from me. That country is simply bad in that specific story and the plot line.

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