Chapter Three - Their Creepy Neighbour

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The three triplets sat scattered out on the sidewalk in front of their house. America aggressively colored in his artwork with a piece of blue chalk, his other hand lightly picking at the stitches on his chin. Australia was digging in the dirt, searching for a new six or even eight-legged friend to play with. Canada bounded carefully in between the boxes of hopscotch he set up for himself near the end of the fence that flanked their neighbor's yard.

Canada heard a light "pst" coming from behind him. He stopped jumping and turned around. He faced the unkempt front yard and deteriorating wood of his neighbor's house. He couldn't imagine someone letting their house fall apart like that and doing nothing about it. He saw the front door slightly ajar with half of a body peeking out from it. The "pst" sounded again and a man almost fully emerged from the shadows of his home.

Canada began to walk towards the neighbor's house. America was too busy being harassed by Australia with a spider to notice his brother's disappearance. Nada walked through the tall grass. The man was now sitting on the rocking chair, waiting for the young boy to come closer.

Canada stood in front of the steps that led to the porch but didn't go any farther. "Hello!" He said with a smile on his face.

"Well hello going, men. What's your name?" The country asked.

"I'm Canada! I live over there with my brothers." He pointed a finger to where Ame and Aussie were now tussling in the grass. "What's your name?"

"I'm Afghanistan, but you can just call me Aggy." The man said. "How old are you, Canada?"

"I'm nine, but I'm turning ten in five whole days! And my brother is turning ten in eight days! He's the one with the Stars and Stripes." Nada said happily. "People say we're triplets, but we're not. That's just how we're described as."

"That's interesting, now isn't it?" Aggy said.

"Yeah! Cause triplets are supposed to be born on the same day. Did you see America's chin? He got it cut! There was blood everywhere!" Canada rambled on.

"Blood? That sounds scary." Aggy said.

"Nope! It's cool! I like blood!" Nada exclaimed.

"I think blood is cool too." The man nodded. "Say... you like sweets, don't ya?"

"Yeah, JollyRanchers are my favorite! It kinda has a gross name though. Ranch." He shrugged.

"Well, I'm pretty sure I have some in my room. Wanna come inside, Canada?" Aggy stood up, holding out his hand for Nada to grab onto. He reached out and grabbed it, expecting to be pulled inside. Instead, a loud scream from behind him made the two jump.

Canada watched as Australia ran full speed up to him and tackled him to the ground. "You idiot! You don't talk to strangers!" America had run inside to alert his parents. UK and France bolted out of the house.

"What are you talking about?" Canada wriggled from underneath his brother's weight. "Let go of me!"
Australia and Canada finally stood up on their feet. Canada turned around to find Aggy, but he was gone and the door and curtains were closed.

"Nada, what happened?" France called out. "Come here this instant!"

Nada and Aussie ran up to their parents. "Nada was gonna go into the creepy guy's house!" Aussie said. "I watched it!"

"Canada, is that true?" UK asked sternly.

"What? No, that didn't happen." Nada lied. "He wasn't even outside."

"Why were you up on the porch then?" France asked.

"Yeah! And I saw him come out!" Ame argued. UK quieted him by putting a few fingers over his mouth. Ame glared up at him and pulled away from his father's fingers.

"He wasn't out here at all. I just saw a cat and wanted to pet it, that's why I was over there." Nada explained.

"Are you sure you're telling the truth?" France asked, her worried look still on her face.

"Mhm!" Nada nodded.
France signed. "Alright, just don't ever go near that house again, you understand? That goes for all of you." Her sons nodded in response. "Alright, come inside, lunch is ready."
America sat at his desk with the picture in his hand, remembering exactly what Canada had told him what actually happened on that very date. Ame promised to keep it a secret like Nada had wanted, even though he was mad at his brother for lying originally. Even during the search for his brother and after, he still kept what he knew a secret for some reason.

Guilt twisted his stomach, making him feel nauseous. 'If I had just told Mom and Dad, maybe Nada couldn't be missing.' America thought to himself.

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