Chapter Four - Back Home

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America sat on his bed, his knees pulled up to his chest and his arms wrapped around his legs. Australia sat at his desk, maneuvering a pencil between his fingers. They both stared out into space. The silence and tension hung in the room like a dark and heavy cloud.

America swallowed. "I don't believe it. That's not what happened, they must have found someone else and mistaken it for him."

"Meri, he's been gone for years and they did blood tests. It's him." Aussie said.

"No! It's not!" Ame raised his voice. "They said the body was mutilated, so it could have been anyone!"

"Ame..." Aussie's voice trailed off. He didn't know what to say. The silence returned as they sat and stared at each other.

"We should go back to our old neighborhood," Ame said, finally breaking the silence.

"What do you mean?" Aussie asked.

"I dunno." He shrugged. "Just go back and look around. Maybe ask that 'Aggy' guy what he did to our brother." His voice dripped with venom.

"You think he did something?" Aussie questioned.

"You think he didn't?" Ame questioned back. "That guy was a creep. He tried to lure Nada in all the time."

"What do you mean?" Aussie became confused.

America sighed. 'I'm really gonna tell him this secret, aren't I? I have to.' He glanced away for a moment. "Do you remember the day when we thought Aggy was trying to take in Nada but he said he was petting a cat?"

"Yes?" The response was drawn out. "I coulda sworn that I saw him. But that was a while ago I guess."

"Yeah, well, he told me not to tell you that he was talking to Aggy. He said that he was really nice to him and was gonna give him candy. We were right but he just lied so he could be around him more. I'm sorry for not saying anything beforehand..." America confessed. It felt like an invisible weight had lifted off his shoulder, but a new one set. It's his fault Canada is dead.

"WHAT?!" Aussie stood up abruptly, making America flinch.

"I'm sorry! He told me not to tell anyone so I didn't! I didn't understand at the time!" Ame put up his arms defensively.

Aussie groaned. "If we knew that then maybe we woulda found him!"

"I know..." Ame rubbed his arm, scratching his arm. Guilt pooled in his stomach. 'This is all my fault.'

"Ame, it's ok," Aussie said reassuringly. "You were right, you were too young to get it."

"It's not! It's not okay." Ame sighed again. "I still think we should go back. See if he's still there."

"I like that idea. But how do we ask Mom and Dad?" Aussie asked.

"We can just say we're going on a brother road trip or something. Take some stress off." Ame suggested.
"That's a good idea. When do we leave?" Aussie nodded.

"Tomorrow morning?"

"I have nothin' planned," Aussie shrugged. "It sounds good to me."
The next morning, America and Australia woke up early. The night before, they had packed their things that they would need for a few days. They hugged their parents goodbye and put their bags in the trunk of the car. Aussie sat in the driver's seat, Ame in the passenger.

"Alright, here we go," Ame said, turning on the GPS. It led straight to their old home.

They merged into the highway without exchanging a word. Ame moved his head along to the beat of the song playing while he tapped away at a game on his phone.

"Y'know," Aussie broke the silence. "We don't even know if Aggy is still in that house."

"Oh, please," Ame scoffed. "That man lived there for years, and we've only been out of town for a week. He couldn't have found a new home that quickly."

"Yeah, you're right. But if he's not, this could kinda be like our final goodbye to our childhood house." Aussie said.
"Fair. I'm sure he'll be home though. He never left that house, I swear." Ame shook his head.

"I know right?" Aussie laughed. "I mean, why have a car if you never see the light of day."

"I don't think that was even his!" Ame said. "Someone showed up at his house with their car and they never left that house."

A shiver went down the brother's spines. The air got cold. America was right. Australia thought of how odd that seemed. At the time, the family didn't even think about it. But that country never left the house, nor did their car.

The two stopped talking after that. Aussie turned up the music, letting that fill their heads instead of the creepy thoughts.

Eventually, the two pulled up in front of their old house. The house had another week left before the new family moved in, so they had it to themselves. Technically it wasn't allowed, but no one had to find out.

The brothers parked the car and grabbed their bags. Ame stood in front of the house. "I know it's only been a week, but we'll never come back to this house again. This was our childhood." Memories filled his eyes as they walked through the front door. He remembered tripping and falling and getting stitches in his chin. He rubbed the scar right under his lip. The carpet had since then been picked up and sold, the wooden floor now exposed.
America walked into his old bedroom, wishing he could still see all of the posters and shelves hung up on the wall. He put his stuff away in the drawers that they kept in the house for the new family. He walked out and saw Aussie leaving his old room.

The two went downstairs and met in the kitchen. "Do we go over now and see if he's there?" Aussie asked.

"I don't see why not," America said, checking his phone for the time. It was noon.

They walked over to the neighbor's house. The grass was still uncut and the wood was still as rotten as before. Aussie hesitated before knocking on the door. No one answered.

"Uhm..." Aussie cocked his head, confused. "He's not home?"

"Try again." Ame pushed him.

Aussie knocked again. Still nothing. A voice made them turn their heads behind them. "Are you looking for Afghanistan?" The country asked.

"Yes, is he home, do you know?" Aussie responded.

"He left shortly after the family next door left. He hasn't returned since." The country informed. "Thank goodness..." He huffed the last bit.

"Thanks for the information!" Aussie called.

"No problem!" The country walked off. Ame and Aussie looked at each other, stumped.

"Now what?" Ame asked.

"We should go in," Aussie said.

"What?" Ame asked. "That's crazy. Not a good idea."

"What do you mean?" Aussie had a smile on his face. "We can finally explore his house! Admit it, you've always wanted to see what was inside."

"You're right..." Ame thought for a moment. "It wouldn't hurt to look around a bit. But if we get caught, it's your fault."

"I know, I know." Aussie looked around the neighborhood. No country was in sight to watch them break in. Aussie tried the door handle. Unlocked. He pushed open the creepy door. It led into a dark, musty hallway. The two brothers looked into the house, the hair on the back of their necks standing up.

"Let's go." Aussie grabbed America's wrist and pulled him in. They shut the door behind them.

The Woods Are Dark At Night - Countryhumans CanadaWhere stories live. Discover now