Wait, what? (Stiles Stilinksi)

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After having argued as per usual, Reader decides to lay their head over in Stiles's lap and fall asleep much to Scott's confusion.

Your POV
    "Why must you two always be arguing?" Lydia asks as I collapse on to the couch beside her. I just finished a yelling match with Stiles and I'm pretty tired.

    "Because he's a little bitch and always picks the fights," I respond with every ounce of sass that I could muster.

    "Geez, Derek wasn't wrong when he said your sass level matches that of your uncle Peter's," Kira laughs.

    "Actually, it's hard to believe (Y/n) isn't his actual child sometimes," Malia adds from where she lays on the floor tossing a ball into the air absentmindedly.

    I roll my eyes and glare across the room at Stiles as he animatedly explains something to Scott. I don't understand why Stiles always wants to pick fights with me. Any time the others aren't around, it's smooth sailing and he's really nice. Hell, he's even took me out on a few dates. I discard the thoughts for later and instead occupy myself with watching Liam and Theo bickering on the couch to my right.

    After a while, everyone departs for home. That is everyone except those of us who live here and Scott and Stiles. I finally get bored enough that I make my way over to where Scott and Stiles are still locked in conversation and plop down beside stiles on the couch. Scott smiles at me but Stiles doesn't acknowledge my presence and continues with his rambling.

    I sit there for a while listening to Stiles and in that span of time, Peter and Derek both make their way to their bedrooms for the night. This isn't the first time we've had visitors late into the night and it surely won't be the last. I finally give in and lay my head over in Stiles's lap. He doesn't even pause, he just starts playing with my hair and as I close my eyes and drift off to sleep, there's a look of utter confusion written across Scott's face.

Stiles's POV      Scott's look of confusion throws me off track and I stop my train of thought, "What?"

    Scott chuckles, "It's just, don't you two basically hate each other but (Y/n) just laid their head down in your lap and passed out and you didn't bat an eye." I look down at (Y/n) and find that Scott is correct, they are passed out. 

I smile and brush their hair out of their eyes before looking back up at Scott, "What can I say? I have a soft spot. Anyway..." I find where I left off before and continue on that track.

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