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It was calm and quiet in the small room. The only sounds were the soft, even breaths of the two children curled up on the single cot. It was quite the sight, small hands intertwined. The girl's head was tucked under the boy's chin, his face almost entirely obscured by her mass of ebony curls while his matching hair framed his head like a halo.

The rare moment of peace didn't last long, as usual.

Sharp knocking startled the two awake. Teal met emerald for a brief moment before they shot up. In swift, practiced movements, the boy snagged a ponytail off his wrist with his teeth before taking the girl's thick tresses in his hands. She called out, "Come in!" as he fixed her hair into a messy but effective bun. It would do for now.

"Thanks, Hades," she mumbled as the door swung open to reveal Mrs. Patterson in a brand new blouse and skirt. Standing beside her was a man they'd never seen before. Any surprise they felt was expertly hidden.

The lithe man looked rather tall, with silky-looking, shoulder-length, ebony hair framing his pale face. His sharp onyx eyes settled onto the children, who could've sworn they saw a flash of curiosity in them. He wore a fitted, dark grey long-sleeved button-down with what looked to be a silk vest two shades darker, sleek black slacks, a smooth deep crimson tie, perfectly polished leather shoes, and a jacket that fell past his knees.

"Don't know what you'd want with these little pests," Patterson sneered, "But I'll leave you lot be."

After the man stepped inside, she slammed the door shut. Belladonna noticed how his hooked nose crinkled and his lips curled in disdain. The expression lasted for no longer than a second before the man schooled his expression.

She shared a look with Hadrien. His bright emerald eyes shone with interest, something she's sure was reflected in her own.

"My name is Severus Snape." the man drawled, handing them two envelopes as he spoke, "I'm a professor and potions master at Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry. I have been sent to bring you your acceptance letters and take you to Diagon Ally to retrieve your supplies before the start of term on September 1st."

Blunt and straight to the point. Belladonna appreciated it.

She held the letter in her hands, brushing her thumbs over the surface of the heavy parchment it was made of. She carefully opened her letter, finding two pieces of the same parchment the envelope was made out of. One page was her letter while the other made up a list of supplies she needed for her first year.

Severus watched the two closely. The way they behaved reminded him of another pair of students. The way they stuck close, how they moved seamlessly and seemed to have whole conversations in mere seconds' worth of eye contact. How unreadable was what struck Severus. Purebloods much older with more thorough training aren't nearly as composed as these two. It was fascinating yet unnerving at the same time.

Another silent conversation struck between the children before Belladonna piped up. "Professor, is there any sort of test we can take to learn of our families?" she brushed a loose strand of hair behind her ear as she spoke, "I'd like to know all I can about my heritage."

Severus surveyed the two for a moment, then nodded, "An Inheritance test. We can request them from the Goblins when we go to Gringotts."

A barely-there sparkle lit up in their eyes and the man noticed the slight tightening of their intertwined hands. Severus stood, "Then that's settled. Do smarten yourselves up." he gave a pointed look, "Goblins find it rude when people are underdressed for business. Gather what you wish to keep as well and meet me in the foyer when you're done." With that said, the potions master exited the room.

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