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The way Bella and Hadrien's demeanours changed both startled and concerned their new friends. They were suddenly completely unreadable. "Yeah." Hadrien confirmed, tone distant, "We were raised in the muggle world at Wool's Orphanage."

"We were left there as babies, so we didn't know much about this world when Professor Snape came to take us shopping," Bella added softly, this was the story their Papa said to go with. It would be even easier to protect Hadrien's previous identity. "Our Papa, Draco, and his family are helping us learn the things we should've, but there's still plenty we don't know."

Theo smiled softly, "That's okay, we can help fill in some of the gaps." This was followed by the intermingled agreement of their other friends.

"My Mum has some witch's etiquette books I can borrow for you," Daphne added.

Bella and Hadrien exchanged brief looks full of silent conversation before smiling at their friends and relaxing. "Thank you." they chimed together.

Daphne patted their heads with a warm grin, "What are friends for?"

"Alright!" Gemma clapped, grabbing the attention of the first years, "For the first couple of weeks we'll be escorting you all to the Great Hall every morning and from it every night. Walk to classes in groups of at least three. You all have maps of the school, yes?"

After hearing no negatives, Gemma nodded and she and Adonis led them out of the common room. Bella's group hung back a bit, they kept their eyes out for decerning markers to help them navigate better. The brother-sister duo had a slight advantage, being heirs to one or more of the founders gave them perks. One such perk seemed to be Hogwarts herself preventing them from getting lost.

"You mentioned your Papa earlier, did you two get adopted?" Tracy asked quietly. The two nodded, "By Professor Snape."

"You... you mean the professor the other houses call the 'dungeon bat' is your Papa?" Blaise asked dumbly, receiving nods from the Serrure-Prince children.

A scoff was heard nearby, "Well, we'll know you won't get your marks by earning them."

"Sod off, Pansy. You're just jealous that their parent wants them while yours are stuck with you." Tracy sassed. Then gently pushed the brother-sister duo towards an open end of the table, leaving an affronted Pansy behind.

Blaise cackled as he sat next to Bella, much to Theo's ire. Draco laughed softly from beside Hadrien. Daphne and Tracy settled to Theo's left as a short, timid blond took up the curly-haired boy's right.

"Hey, Nev!" Bella and Hadrien(I'm gonna just refer to them as 'the twins') greeted warmly. The blond smiled brightly, "Good morning, Bell, Hades. How are you liking Slytherin?"

"Well, almost everyone has been pretty nice so far," Bella mused, "What about Hufflepuff?"

Neville beamed, brown eyes practically sparkling, "It's simply brilliant! Everyone's so nice and there are plants nearly everywhere in the common room!"

Bella giggled, "That sounds very cosy. We've got windows that show into the Black Lake."

Neville looked positively awed, "That's amazing! Have you seen the merfolk yet? Or the Giant Squid?"

Nodding, Bella chirped, eyes bright, "Yep! A couple of Grindylows got curious too. I can't wait to be able to take Care of Magical Creatures."

"Unfortunately we still have a couple of years, Bright Eyes." the blond giggled, earning a mock pout from the teal-eyed witch. It didn't last long before she giggled along, "At least we have Herbology."

The two continued their conversation, the others watching with fondness, and a bit of amusement as Theo joined in. Daphne looked at the boys and Tracy seriously, "I've known Bella and Neville a day, but if anything were to happen to them, I'd curse everyone in this school and then myself."

Tracy nodded sagely, "Agreed."

"Ditto." Blaise mused, gaze occasionally flickering to the brown-eyed blond.

"Welcome to the club." Draco and Hadrien mused.

An older student, who was beside them and heard the entire thing, looked to the first years wearily, "Isn't that a bit extreme?"

Blaise simply gestured to the ongoing discussion that somehow turned from herbology to thestrals. Adonis raised a brow and looked to where an adorable doll-like girl and what seemed like the human equivalent of a cinnamon roll were happily chatting.

"I... I stand corrected." he conceded, ignoring the heat on his face. He then turned back to his breakfast.

The conversation died down as Severus began walking along the table, handing each student a piece of thick parchment with their name and classes listed on it. He paused at his children's little group, "Mister Longbottom," he called, causing the blond to tense as he held out a schedule, "Your schedule."

"O-oh. Thank you, Professor." Neville smiled sheepishly. Severus nodded, lips twitching into an amused smile that widened a bit upon seeing his children. He passed them their schedules and patted their heads affectionately before continuing along.

Neville blinked, "Do you know Professor Snape already?"

The twins looked up from their schedule with small, happy smiles, "He's our Papa."

"Really? That's pretty cool." he grinned in a rather adorable fashion, "Oh! What classes do we have in common?" He held out his schedule for them to see.

"Not a lot.. it looks like we only have potions and some free periods together." Bella sighed, deflating a bit, "Everything else we have with Gryffindor."

Neville winced, "At least you have everyone else to mediate between you and Leo."

"You're having troubles with a Gryffindor already?" Adonis, who was seated close to Theo, piped up. He looked rather worried and a tad annoyed at the situation. Bella nodded, passing Neville his schedule back, along with hers, so he could look them over himself.

"Potter barged into our compartment on the train and decided that Bella was going to be his wife." Hadrien informed with a slight scowl, Theo looked similar as he added, "Pillock's been harassing her since."

Adonis smirked slightly at the younger Nott's behaviour, then looked to Bella, "If anything happens come straight to one of us prefects or Professor Snape. If you can't find us, Professor's Flitwick, Sprout, Quirrell, and Sinistra are also very good to go to. They don't have the same prejudice towards Slytherins as others do." He pointed out each Professor as he mentioned them, Bella was a bit concerned when she noticed her brother flinch slightly in pain upon looking at Quirrell. She was even more concerned to feel the pain as well, it was like a burning sensation in her head. She shook it off and nodded at Adonis with a small smile and a quiet "Thank you."

"It's no problem, Lady Slytherin. You firsties are part of the family now." he said softly, expression expertly crafted, but kindness shown in his blue eyes.

Bella couldn't help the smile that tugged at her lips. Family, she exchanged a meaningful look with Hadrien, they could get used to that.

"Call me Bella, family doesn't use titles."

Adonis chuckled softly, "Call me Adonis, or Ad, then."

Bella nodded with a bright smile, "Deal!"

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