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Three weeks have passed since the first day of school and Bella is fed up. It's not the school itself, no, that part is wonderful. So far she's top of the class with her brother, she studies hard and somehow manages to get everything perfect on the first few tries. It's not her new friends or housemates either, they are all positively brilliant. Her friends are all lovely people who are fun to hang around with and don't judge Hadrien and herself for their backgrounds. Their older housemates are all nice and caring and go out of their way to check on and help the first years.

The problem is Gryffindor. Okay, not all of Gryffindor, but a good chunk of them, specifically those that fawn over Leonidem like he's some saint. She liked some others in the Lion House, like Fred and George Weasley and Oliver Wood. They're nice and don't hang off the words 'Boy-Who-Lived'.

Her main issue was with the mentioned 'Savior'. He had been following her around and flirting with her practically non-stop, no matter the setting, situation, or audience around them. He even got his friends and parents to try and convince her to date him.

She's eleven. She doesn't want to date anyone at the moment, let alone the boy who keeps harassing her. He never fails to rile Hadrien up either, which leads to an argument and occasionally punches are thrown. Like what was occurring right now.

Hadrien and Leonidem were practically centimetres from each other's faces, spitting insults and sneering at one another. Bella was stood off to the side, but unfortunately still in the middle of the growing crowd encircling them. Some students were chanting 'Fight' while others were attempting to de-escalate. The whole situation had Bella feeling exhausted. She hadn't been eating or sleeping well from the stress, and because of it, her anxiety was easier to trigger.

"Bella... are you okay?" Neville's soft voice rang softly, "You're looking rather pale."

The witch went to reply, but her head suddenly felt light. Voices seemed louder than usual and it was so bright it was hurting her eyes. She flinched when she felt someone grab her hand. Through squinted eyes, she could make out Neville's concerned expression. The Hufflepuff held her hand and looked around for a moment, "Fred, George!" he called out as gently as he could over the bustling crowd.

The ginger twins heard and looked over, their concern growing when they saw Bella hyperventilating and ready to pass out while a panicked Neville held her upright. They quickly manoeuvred through the crowd, "Bella, I'm gonna pick you up, okay?" Fred said softly, receiving a dazed nod from the eleven-year-old.

Upon getting her consent, he carefully scooped her up into his arms, feeling her instantly tuck her face into the crook of his neck. George picked up Neville, and the four exited the crowd. Once they were out, Fred looked to his twin, "George, find a prefect or professor to help with this crowd. Nev, bring Professor Snape to the hospital wing."

The two nodded and they all took off with their tasks at hand. Fred, not wanting to jostle the girl, jogged down the halls, rubbing her back soothingly and whispering soft assurances. He got to the hospital wing in record time, startling Madam Pomphry when he barged through the doors.

The Medi-witch immediately went into action upon seeing the small first year in his arms. Quickly ordering the ginger to set her down on a bed and explain everything. He did as told, or at least tried. Bella refused to let go of him.

"Snakeling, it's okay. We're safe," he assured softly.

She shook her head slightly, "'m scared. It... so bright..."

Fred paused, then looked up at Pomphry, "Can we make it darker in here? I think she's having a sensory overload."

The Medi-witch nodded and with a flick of her wand, the light began dimming. Fred sat on the bed, adjusting the girl so she'd be comfortable. "Do you have weighted blankets?" he asked softly, but Pomphry had anticipated the question and was already wrapping a thick and rather heavy blanket around Bella's shoulders.

Bella slowly relaxed, her grip on Fred's uniform soon going slack as she fell unconscious. Though, when he tried to move out from under her, she grasped his robes tightly and whimpered. "Is it alright if I stay with her?" he asked the concerned nurse.

Pomphry nodded, "Usually I wouldn't approve, but in situations like this, it's better to keep whatever, or whoever, makes the patient feel safe close."

Fred nodded and leaned against the head of the bed as Bella curled into his side. He wouldn't admit it, but he adored the little witch. She was more family to him and George than their real family. Bill and Charlie were great and all, they loved and accepted them for who they were, but the rest... the rest were bloody awful. Their father was absent and a pushover when it came to their family. Their mother was neglectful at best, and emotionally and verbally abusive at worst. Percy was a right prick and Ron and Ginny were greedy twats that happily followed their mother's lead in manipulating other people.

So, anyone, the Weasley twins were considered family and were held in high regard and protected heavily. And maybe, Fred was a bit more fond of Bella than he let on. But no one needed to know that, not until he sorted out his feelings with himself first.

"Where is she?" a sharp voice Fred could recognize anywhere rang, snapping him from his thoughts. He heard multiple footsteps head toward him, and soon the curtain was snapped open to reveal a frantic, concerned, and borderline furious Severus Snape and a very worried Neville.

Fred carefully pulled the blanket back to show Bella fast asleep with an iron grip on his uniform. Severus relaxed slightly when he failed to find any injury, but he frowned at how pale his daughter was, and how dark the circles under her eyes were; And even if he was irked at how she was clinging onto a boy, he didn't say a word. Though, his eye did twitch a bit at the sight.

"What happened?" he asked sharply, looking between the Gryffindor and the Hufflepuff.

"Leonidem's been harassing her nonstop the past few weeks. Every time he gets Hadrien riled up and the two start to fight. I think the stress is getting to Bella." Neville said softly, "She feels like she can't go anywhere in the school except Slytherin or Hufflepuff dorms without Leonidem or his friends and parents cornering her and trying to force her to date him."

Severus' expression went scarily blank. "His parents are involved, you said?" His tone was ice cold and sharp. Neville nodded, "Yeah, Professor Lily Potter keeps holding her back in Magical Theory to talk to her about Leonidem and Professor James always pairs her with him during partnered flying lessons."

The potion master stood and looked to Pomphry, "I'm leaving them in your care. Do not let any Potter near my daughter."

The woman raised a brow at the demand, "My patients are always safe here. You'll do well to remember that."

With a sharp nod, the potions master turned sharply and stormed out of the hospital wing. He was late for a meeting.

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