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"Firs years, follow me! Firs years!" a deep voice bellowed over the students' chatter. Bella tightened her grasp on Hadrien's hand as he guided her through the throngs of students. Draco, Blaise, and Theo stuck close, even after they'd emerged from the thickest part of the crowd. It was mostly because they'd noticed Leonidem and his friends were close.

The first years were all grouped up together by a huge man with a scruffy beard and beady eyes. Bella and the boys stayed in the back of the crowd with a couple of girls, a blonde with soft blue eyes and a brunette with curious brown eyes.

Once all the first years were gathered, the half-giant led down a muddy trail towards the smooth lake. More than once, Bella slipped and had to be caught by either her brother or friends. She wasn't the only one, but she'd be lying if she said she didn't laugh when Leonidem faceplanted into the mud. Though, she had the decency to hide her amusement, unlike her companions.

"Don't give me that look, Bells." Hadrien snickered, "You laughed too."

Bella halfheartedly rolled her eyes but didn't say anything. He was right after all. The group of preteens halted when the half-giant stopped at a line of boats.

"A'ight, no more'n four to a boat!" he called, motioning to the small wooden boats. Hadrien stepped into the closest boat and helped Bella in. Blaise and Theo occupied the one behind them with the two girls Bella noticed earlier. Draco was just getting settled when they heard their least favourite voice.

"No room, Neville. Go find another boat." Leonidem said blandly, as if unbothered by the situation.

Bella looked over and frowned, there was plenty of room. Only Leonidem and his fellow redhead were in the boat. The timid blond, Neville, looked stunned for a moment then looked down and muttered something she couldn't hear before walking away from the gingers. Her mood soured more when she made accidental eye contact with the new bane of her existence.

Leonidem grinned and lent forwards, "Hello, wife~" he called cheerfully.

The young witch huffed and turned away. "Do.. do you mind if I... I join you?" a soft voice chimed. Bella looked up to see Neville, shuffling his feet anxiously.

"Not at all," she answered kindly, Hadrien smiled at the shy boy and stood to help him in. Neville, face dusted bright pink, accepted the older Prince's help with a bright smile and a cheerful "Thank you!" as he settled beside Draco.

"It's no problem." Draco shrugged, "Though, I am sorry you're friends with such..." he trailed off.

"Arrogant plonkers?" Bella offered helpfully.

Draco nodded sagely, "Yes, exactly."

Neville giggled at the description, "They're.. not my friends. Leo's my godbrother, so our parents kind of stuck us together. Ron's his best friend though."

"So you don't have any friends?" Hadrien asked nonchalantly, leaning back against the wall of the boat.


The siblings exchanged looks at the shy blond's downcast expression. Bella smiled softly, "We'll be your friends. I'm Belladonna Serrure-Prince. You can call me Bella."

"Hadrien Serrure-Prince, call me Hades or Hazz." Hadrien offered.

Draco piped up, "Draco Malfoy."

Neville looked rather shell-shocked, his face turning a lovely shade of pink as he stammered, "N-Neville L-Longbottom. Nice t-to meet you all."

"Likewise." the boys chimed in sync as Bella reached over and patted Neville's fluffy blond hair, "Nice to meet you too, Nev."

The rest of the boat ride was spent getting to know one another. When they reached the docks, the three introduced Neville to Blaise and Theo, who in turn introduced Daphne Greengrass and Tracy Davis to the group. It was nice until Leonidem and Ron decided to invite themselves.

Bella felt an arm wrap around her shoulders before she heard him, "Hello again, future Lady Potter~"

Hadrien intervened before Bella could react, he picked up Leonidem's arm by the sleeve, looking as if he was dealing with a mangy rat rather than a person as he dropped the ginger's arm. "Do not touch my sister." he snarled, pulling the shorter Prince behind him, "I will not tell you again."

Leonidem returned Hadrien's glare, red tinting his freckled face. The little staring match was interrupted by a stern voice. All the first years turned to see a rather tall elderly witch standing proudly in front of a large set of double doors. She looked like a no-nonsense type of person, Bella was a little afraid of what would happen if she got on the woman's bad side.

"Welcome to Hogwarts." she greeted, "The start of term banquet will begin shortly, but before you take your seats in the Great Hall, you will be sorted into your houses. The Sorting is a very important ceremony because, while you are here, your house will be something like your family within Hogwarts. You will have classes with the rest of your house, sleep in your house dormitory and spend free time in your house common room."

"The four houses are called Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin. Each house has its noble history and each has produced outstanding witches and wizards. While you are at Hogwarts, your triumphs will earn your house points, while any rule-breaking will lose house points. At the end of the year, the house with the most points is awarded the House Cup, a great honour. I hope each of you will be a credit to whichever house becomes yours." Bella noticed a bit of disdain in her tone when mentioning the house of snakes and frowned lightly.

McGonagall continued, eyes lingering on Neville's crookedly fastened cloak, the dirt smudged on Ron's nose, and Leonidem's untucked shirt. "The Sorting Ceremony will take place in a few minutes in front of the rest of the school. I suggest you all smarten yourselves up as much as you can while you are waiting." She then disappeared behind the doors after adding, "I shall return for you momentarily."

Bella hummed softly, turning to Neville as the other first years erupted into chatter. She carefully straightened his cloak, receiving a sheepish smile from her new friend. "Thanks, Belladonna." he murmured, then perked up, "Did you know your name means 'Deadly Nightshade'? It's a really pretty, but very poisonous flower."

The witch smiled interestedly, "Really? I never knew."

"Yeah, I have a picture in one of my books. I can show you sometime later." he offered.

Bella nodded, "Sounds like a plan."

"We've got three nerds now." Blaise lamented jokingly, nudging Theo with a smirk. The curly-haired boy turned his glare to the Italian, whose smirk only grew.

Smiling softly in amusement, Bella shook her head turning to Theo to fix his collar. The boy flushed bright pink, much to their friends, bar Hadrien and Draco's, amusement. Even friends had to go through the brothers first it seems.

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