ᴘᴀʀᴛ 3

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Yunho was almost done with his job and cleaned the whole house again just to be sure everything was okay. As he finished and wanted to go to the entrance to pack his stuff , he heard a noise from the door. For some reason he immediately hid behind a closet in the hallway of the mansion.

Someone came into the entrance area and Yunho heard footsteps getting closer and closer.

Actually, he shouldn't have been hiding, but he didn't want the person to see him. He wanted nobody to know about this job and even if it was the owner he didn't want to meet him now.

Yunho held his breath while waiting. The unknown person was now standing right in front of the closet behind which Yunho was hiding. He searched for something in his backpack but didn't notice Yunho at all. Yunho couldn't tell who it was as he only saw him from the side and he was wearing a cap which made it impossible to recognise him. Was that maybe the owner's brother? But wouldn't he look different?

Yunho backed up a bit again, hoping the person wouldn't turn around and see him.

The guy pulled something out of his pocket and when Yunho heard a click sound he jumped and hit the wall behind him.

Yunho immediately felt pain trough his head and got dizzy. The stranger turned around. Yunho narrowed his eyes. Did he just pull out a gun?, questioned Yunho and fear went trough his mind.

Suddenly, a loud noise was heard from the other side of the house. Yunho opened his eyes again and looked past the closet again. The man had turned back and seemed to be looking around for the noise. Yunho remembered that he left one of the windows on the 1st floor open to let in fresh air, which was probably closed by the wind now.

Still, he couldn't breathe a sigh of relief, because the stranger put something in the side of his pants and now Yunho was sure it was a gun.

Was he a thief? Or really the brother of the owner? But why would he come in here with a gun. But if it was a thief, how did he get in here without setting off the alarm system? Yunho couldn't help himself from the questions that were swirling around in his head and forgot what kind of situation he was actually in.

The stranger went away again and headed towards the entrance area. Finally Yunho could breathe again, he thought at least, until the unknown person suddenly came back with a huge bag in his hands. What was that supposed to be? What was he up to?

He put the bag on the stairs that led to the first floor. Yunho was getting really scared of what was going to happen next, but he didn't know what else to do but hide.

If only he had finished sooner. He finally sat down fully on the floor as his legs were getting numb and watched the man pull something out of his pockets.

Were those canisters?
He didn't want to or? What was going on here? What had Yunho gotten himself into?, he hesitantly thought. He looked around, a little further away from him was a window.

He could achieve it, but then what? By the time he jumped out, the man would have spotted him already.

Yunho heard splashing and looked back at the stranger who was also wearing a mask so Yunho couldn't even see his face.

He now spread a liquid on the stairs and went upstairs. So really? He really wanted to burn down the house?

Despite Yunho's fear that kept him from thinking properly, he had to somehow find a way out of here.

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