ᴘᴀʀᴛ 19

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Yunho opened his eyes. The morning sun lit up the entire room. He looked to the side and into Mingi's sleeping face. He looked so peaceful. Yunho turned a little further to him. In fact, he had told him everything. It felt weird, but also liberating. Yunho had never told anyone about the problems he actually had. At least nobody had ever considered him normal after that.

After some time Yunho realized what day it was and he started to frown.

Mingi slowly opened his eyes and saw Yunho's thoughtful expression. "What's going on?" he asked softly and slowly had to adjust his eyes to the light. Yunho looked at Mingi.

"I actually didn't tell you everything yesterday." It was quiet for a moment. "What do you mean?" Mingi asked and snuggled up to Yunho. "The night before Yumi had the accident, I went to one of my jobs. I had to clean a house in the rich area up town. Anyway, when I was there, a burglar came who wanted to burn down the house. I managed to get out of the house, but the police thought I was the culprit and the owner blamed me." Yunho paused for a moment.

"I don't know what to do. I don't want to go to jail." Mingi looked tiredly at Yunho. "Do you have a lawyer?" Yunho shook his head. "Do you think I have money for one? The only job I have is at Lilly's that you got me. And there I was only once." Mingi nodded.

After a while he suddenly sat up. "I have an idea," he said. Yunho also sat up. "What idea?" Yunho asked. "My parents are both lawyers. They live quite far away, but maybe I can ask them to help you." Yunho sighed.

"I mean that's really nice but I don't have any money for them either." Mingi shook his head. "They'll definitely make it cheaper for you or I'll pay for you." Yunho looked overwhelmed at Mingi. "No Mingi, I don't want you to pay for me, you already let me live with you."

Mingi took Yunho's hands and looked at him. "Listen. I know you don't want to be dependent on anyone but please let me help you now. As soon as you have the chance to sort things out yourself, I'll let you." Yunho thought for a moment. It wouldn't do any good to talk back to Mingi anyway. "Okay then ask your parents." Mingi nodded happily and jumped up to get his cell phone.

Today was the day Yunho was called to the police station again. He had to make some statement for the thousandth time. The police probably still had hopes that he would confess, although he hadn't done anything. Yunho had to swallow just thinking about that night.

It wasn't long when Mingi came back into the room and smiled happily at Yunho. "My parents said they would come by as soon as possible to talk to you." Yunho nodded relieved. "Thanks Mingi." Yunho really didn't know what he would do without this boy.


In the afternoon, Yunho walked to the nearby police station. Even if he had a queasy feeling in his stomach, he already felt much stronger than on the days he was here before. He finally had a reason to fight and prove his innocence.
Yunho pushed open the heavy door and walked to the reception area. After a while he was taken to an interrogation room where he sat at a table. A slightly older policeman came into the room and sat across from Yunho. His facial expression was serious and he didn't seem optimistic. He cleared his throat. Yunho sat tensely in the chair and it became difficult to breathe.

"You're Jeong Yunho right?" the man asked and Yunho nodded. Who else should he be? Yunho asked himself.

The man thumbed through his papers sullenly. "Well, your case is settled." Yunho was more than just confused. "What do you mean?", he asked politely and still couldn't place the man with his serious look. The man went on monotonously.

"Well, your file says that the real culprit of the case already confessed himself and you're out of this." Yunho still couldn't follow the man's words. "I still don't understand?" The man looked up and cleared his throat again. "It was apparently an agent of the owner's brother. I can't say more, but since we didn't have any evidence against you in the first place, you are out of it. Also, a car was found with empty gasoline canisters, which match the agents confession."

Yunho didn't know what to say. He felt as if a huge burden had been lifted from his shoulders again.

The man placed a paper on the table in front of Yunho and then got up. "You have to fill out these papers, but then you can go." The man bowed and then left the room. Still speechless, Yunho sat there. He couldn't believe his luck.


When Yunho came back home, it was already dark outside. Since Mingi was probably still at school, Yunho decided to buy a cake. First of all, he had every reason to celebrate and he also knew that Mingi loved chocolate cake.

After about more than an hour, Mingi came home. He took off his shoes and threw his bag in the corner. "Yunho?" he called as the light was on in the living room. Mingi walked into the living room. On the table was a huge cake with at least ten candles in it.

Surprised, Mingi looked at Yunho, who happily ran towards him and hugged him. "Did something happen?" Mingi asked, still totally surprised. Yunho pulled away from the hug and smiled brightly at Mingi.
"I was at the police and they said the right culprit turned up, that means I am no longer the one to blame."

Now Mingi had to smile too. "You're not serious, are you?" Yunho nodded excitedly, then he fell into Mingi's arms again. Mingi had to grin and spun Yunho around until he got dizzy. He put him down and looked at him happily.

Yunho looked at him as well and then he stopped thinking. He grabbed Mingi by his shirt, pulled him towards himself and pressed his lips onto Mingi's.
Mingi was surprised, but a wall of new and exciting feelings took over him. His hands went to Yunho's neck and he finally started kissing Yunho back properly. His lips felt burned and his heart felt like it was about to explode. Breathing became kinda difficult, but it didn't matter. The only thing that mattered at the moment was Yunho. Mingi didn't know why and since when, but he was now quite sure that he liked Yunho. When Mingi's tongue touched Yunho's lips, Yunho pulled away from Mingi and looked at him.

However, Mingi didn't let him think twice and connected their lips again. His hand wandered into Yunho's hair, where he finally found grip.
Then he walked forward, pushing Yunho against the couch. Yunho fell on the couch and looked up at Mingi.

Mingi's hair was a mess, his plump lips red, his eyes glassy and full of passion. In fact he was freaking beautiful. Yunho bite his lips, then pulled Mingi down to sit on top of him and began kissing his neck. He had no idea where this sudden attitude was coming from, but suddenly he didn't feel shy anymore.
The candles were still burning on the cake, but the only things that mattered at that moment were Yunho and Mingi.

Mingi moaned. Every spot Yunho touched with his hands or his lips gave Mingi goosebumps all over his body. At the same time, it felt as if his body would start to burn at any moment. A hot wall went through Mingi's whole body. Every muscle was tense. Every part of his body wanted to feel more of the touch. Wanted to feel Yunho. Yunho's lips traveled from Mingi's neck to his collarbones, where Yunho began to pull Mingi's shirt down. Mingi closed his eyes and let himself fall into his feelings. His hands went to Yunho's waist and slipped under Yunho's shirt. Every single spot that Mingi touched with his fingertips twitched. It felt like flames were forming under his fingers. Flames colder than ice. Mingi could feel every single muscle from Yunho. Every single movement. Yunho's lips wandered to Mingi's neck, to Mingi's chin, to Mingi's lips.

His hands unbuttoned Mingi's shirt and wandered over his chest, stomach and back.

Yunho felt like he was discovering a new world. Mingi's body brought him into another dimension.

Every minute became a second.

Every moment became a new sensation that aroused their passion.

Mingi pulled away from Yunho and pulled Yunho's shirt over his head, only to throw it in the corner of the room.

His eyes never left Yunho's.
His hands never left Yunho's body and his heart never left the feeling of longing and devotion.

Mingi's lips and tongue wandered over Yunho's chest and left a cold and hot shiver at the same time. His hands discovered every single part of Yunho's body.

Mingi was about to go to Yunho's pants when the doorbell rang and he winced in suprise ...



Before you all sue me the next chapter gonna be next week<3

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