Chapter 10

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          The air was crisp this morning, so I wore a thin sweater for the time being

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          The air was crisp this morning, so I wore a thin sweater for the time being. We had been hiking for the past hour and a half and were making good timing. Jasper figured we'd be seeing Nealin soon. "So, tonight..." Jasper trailed off. "What about it?" I asked, hands squeezing the straps of my backpack. The thought of it made me nervous. "Since you're my plus one I wanted to get you a little something" he explained. "What do you mean? It's your special day. I should be getting you something" I laughed. 

"Hear me out, it's a dress. Nothing fancy, it's kinda bohemian but I requested it last time the guys did a town run and I've had it hiding in my closet ever since, so I hope you don't hate it but I had Gracy help me pick it out" he explained. My best friend was adorable. I threw my arms around him for a hug. 

        "You didn't have to do that" I exclaimed. I didn't have anything super crazy to wear tonight. I was just going to go in one of my summer dresses, but I hadn't been expecting this. "Yeah yeah, don't get sappy about it. I didn't want you embarrassing me looking all ugly" he teased. I laughed and swatted at him. "You're the ugly one," I retorted. "I'm literally the most handsome man in town. I know it's overwhelming for you but it's okay, you try your best" he continued to tease. 

We just kept insulting each other for the next five minutes until Nealin appeared. 

          "Oh hey" I stated, not expecting him to just pop up. "Jasper told me you'd be coming. I stayed out of wolf form waiting for you" Nealin nodded in greeting. "Nealin, I just came to thank you. I know we don't know each other well but your house is in good hands, I just appreciate it so much" I started to gush. He chuckled and waved his hands for me to slow down. "That house has been empty a while. I don't much like going there. It'd be good to put the place to use, especially when my boy comes back. It's not a problem" he assured me.

"Well, I walked two hours to get here so you must accept my thanks, and this gift" I said, slipping my bag off my shoulder. Both Nealin and Jasper cocked their heads in curiosity. I pulled out a round container, small like a cosmetics bottle. "I made this. It's, well I think it's going to help your scarring. Would you be willing to try it?" I asked. 

        I don't know where the idea came from and how I knew to mix those ingredients but it felt like secondhand knowledge and I went with my gut. "I don't mean to offend you either" I added when I noticed him observing the balm. "No offense taken. I just never thought about trying to do nothing with these scars" he shrugged. "Of course you don't have to feel pressured to try it. I just figured..." I looked him dead in the eyes so he understood that I understood what those scars represented for him. 

"I just figured it's been too long and the scars need soothing" I said with a small smile.

 I saw an emotion flash behind his eyes but he masked it well. He was a warrior after all he had to be stoic. "Thank you Mira. I'll try it" he nodded in agreement. I smiled bigger now. I was pleased to hear it. We chatted for a little while before he handed me the keys to his home and we were on our hike back to town.

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