Chapter Fourteen

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       The hall never seemed to end, it stretched on in a straight line indefinitely, while somehow becoming darker and darker, the darkness threatening to swallow them up.  “Where are we even going?  We’ve been walking down this same hall for who knows how long.  This place can’t possibly be this big.”  Matt’s voice bounced off the walls, breaking the tense silence.  The boy shushed him, his eyes wide with worry as he shook his head.  “Why should we even trust you, you’re not getting us anywhere, we need to go home.”  Matt continued on.  “Shh! You’re going to lead them to us!”  The boy whispered urgently. 

       The sound of metal scraping across the wall echoed down the hall from behind the group.  “What the fuck is that!?”  Mark and Felix said in unison.  “They’re here! Run!”  The boy pulled Ethan by his shirt, prompting him to run as the others followed.  Their footfalls echoed loudly as the scraping got closer.  “Don’t look back!”  Ahead of them, light shone from an open doorway on their left.  “In there!”  The boy and Ethan were the first ones in the room, followed by Mark, then Felix guiding Jack, Nate, and finally Matt, but not before he was able to see the monstrosities making the noise. 

       Eight long, rusty, metal limbs sprouted from their bodies made from an amalgamation of moving, grinding gears and an inky black substance.  The bladed limbs stretched the width of the hallway, scraping against the walls, floor and ceiling.  They were all lined up in a single file line, the limbs lining up to create an inescapable, moving net to catch whatever unfortunate soul in their path.  

       Matt slammed the door shut, his back leaning against the door as he slid to the floor.  “What… What were those things?”  The boy looked down, mumbling quietly.  “Do you know what they are?”  Ethan asked the boy gently, before anyone else, so the boy would feel more comfortable answering.  “I call them the Monitors, if they hear someone, they go down the hallway to get them.”  He mumbled out defeatedly.  “Well, is there any way to get rid of them?” 

       The boy looked up, his eyes locked with Matt’s  “Only their creator would know that.”  “Who would that even be?  Who would be able to make those things?”  Nate questioned.  The boy pointed at Matt, “Why don’t you ask him?”  Matt pointed at himself, flabbergasted by the answer the boy gave. 

       "Me!?  How in the hell would I be able to make whatever those things are?"  His ears began to ring deafeningly and his vision began to tunnel, the strength seeming to leave his body.  The last view before darkness set in was the expressions of fear and concern on the faces of his friends. 

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