Chapter Ten

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       Jack became the unfortunate one to feel the claws of the mysterious flying beasts. One of the creatures' collided with Jack's back, knocking him onto the ground face first.  Before anyone else could notice, the creature sank its hooked claws into his back, beginning to drag him off as he screamed out in pain. "Jack!" 

       Nate and Ethan broke from the group trying to dodge the incoming assaults to get to their friend, as he was dragged farther away into the darkness.  His screams echoed through the area, as his hands clawed at the ground, desperately searching for a holding.  The adrenaline coursing through his body hid some of the pain, but he could feel the onset of fatigue from blood loss. 

       His strength finally left his body as he felt the ground disappear from underneath him, an almost weightless feeling came over him.  He could feel everything washing away, this was it… the end of him.

       Nate and Ethan caught up to the creature that held Jack captive as it lifted him from the ground. Nate lifted his pistol and aimed for the creature's head, he pulled the trigger, and hit it perfectly in the skull.  It bellowed out a horrifying screech as it dropped Jack to the ground, falling out of the sky shortly afterwards. 

       Five gunshots echoed through the air soon after, Mark's clip was now empty.  "Jack… Sean, can you hear me?"  Jack lied on the ground, limp as Ethan checked for a pulse.  Nate ran to the twitching creature, stomping on its head.  It crunched under his shoe with a wet splat, black blood oozing into a pool around what was once its head.

       "Nate, I need your help, now."  Nate knelt down with Ethan next to  Jack's unconscious body. "He's breathing but his pulse is slow, and he's lost a lot of blood. I don't know if we can lift him without doing more damage.  The claw marks look too deep."
       Footsteps echoed through the air as the others joined up with them, worry filling their entire beings.  "Oh god… oh fuck, is he alive!?" Mark questioned as he ran to his friend's unconscious body, tears welling in his eyes, threatening to spill over.  "W- we need to g-get him to t-t-the hotel."  Felix stuttered out. 

       He looked as bad as Jack did, almost a walking corpse.  The black veins stood out underneath his deathly white skin, it had spread up the side of his face.  His right eye had begun to lose its oceanic blue color, fading to a snow white color.

       "We need to get you both to the hotel… I can try to stitch these claw marks.  But it's too dangerous to do it here." Mat looked anxiously to Felix, then to the others.  "But, he will lose more blood if we move him Mat, we're still a ways away from the hotel and we don't know how much more he can lose before he dies." Ethan argued. 

       "Leaving him here while we debate this is no better! We need to chance it and carry him, we can't let him die here!"  "But Mark-"  "We're carrying him, and that's final!  He's going to make it."  A sense of finality filled Mark's words as he began to lift Jack from the ground, draping Jack's arm around his shoulder.  Nate joined and lifted Jack from the right side as they began pulling him.  Ethan, Mat, and Felix followed close behind.
       Their flashlight beams illuminated the towering building before them, the letters of the building's name were fairly faded, but two words were still legible; Angel and Hotel.  They had made it, it truly seemed to be Angel Hotel, for it saved their lives… momentarily.

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