Chapter Nine

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       "There's more things after us, we need to hurry." Ethan stated in a low tone as they took a left turn. Felix seemed to regain a portion of his sense of self as they hurried on, hearing growling and howling in the distance. Another left turn, then a right down a winding alley.

       Their footsteps began to echo loudly off the walls of the buildings they were in between. The ground had reverted to rusted metal platforms, they hoped it was rust anyway. "What the fuck is up with this?" Nate hissed as they slowed their pace, feeling confident that they had outran the monstrosities for the time being.

       "We can't stay here for long, there's more things after us. We need to get to the hotel... fast." Ethan leaned against the left building, closing his eyes and breathing deeply. He recalled the hotel faintly from when he was a child. He was dropped off there, one day after school, with no explanation.

       He was led to a room, but instead of a room, there was a staircase... but where did it lead to again? He could remember the frigid air, and the musty smell of mold and some type of chemicals... but whenever he tried to remember what the scenery was, it came up blurry.

       Mat helped Felix sit down against the right building as he examined the bite mark on Felix's arm. In the beam of the flashlight, he looked deathly pale, the dried blood stains were a stark contrast compared to his skin.

       The bleeding from the bite had slowed down, but the surrounding area had begun to turn pitch black as it started spreading up his arm. "How bad is it, doc?" Felix whispered hoarsely, then let out a dry chuckle. Mat flashed a tiny smile as he reached for the medkit. "Most I can do is wrap it, and I guess, disinfect it." Mat pulled out his supplies and got to work.

       Mark, Jack, and Nate huddled together, their lights shining onto the map as they pointed out their current location and discussed the rest of the route. "So, we cut through this alley onto 10th Street, then we take a right and keep going until we get to the corner of 10th and D Street. Easy, right?" Nate said, the last portion filled with sarcasm.

       Jack shook his head hopelessly, "I don't even know how much more of this I could take. I feel like I'm actually in a looney bin, probably strapped down and imagining this all in my head. If only that were true, then that means none of this would be real."

       Mark sighed, placing his hand on his friend's shoulder. "I wish none of this was happening... to any of us, but it is, and we have to get through it. We'll get through it, then everything will be explained, I hope." Nate removed the clip from his pistol, counting the ammo he had left. "Mark, how many bullets do you have left? I only have three." "I have five."

        Ethan stood up on unsteady legs, an icy feeling washing over his entire body, accompanied by a static noise filling his head with a haze. He could hear malicious laughter in the distance of his own mind, whoever… no, whatever he was tuning into was strong, possibly stronger than him.  Ethan could sense him getting closer with each second, but who was he?  Then he felt it, a dull feeling of electricity ran through his body, causing him to wince.

        "Guys, we need to move now.  Something's coming, something we can't fight… I can feel it."  Ethan looked to the others, worry written over his face.  Mat nodded as he helped pull Felix up, black veins visible underneath his skin as they snaked up the side of his neck.  "We need somewhere safe." 

       The group continued through the alley, each footstep clanging loudly on the metal platforms.  They finally made it out of the alleyway, turning right and continuing down the road.  Leathery wings began flapping from above them, followed by a shrill screech.  "Fuck! Give us a fucking break!"  They ran, avoiding the creatures claws by mere centimeters.  Except for Jack.

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