Drunkkoji-kun????? P:2

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Fuck it, kinda wanna finish this now cuz of what past me's idea was😂😂😂 Either way hope y'all enjoy. If not go fuck yourselves, then y'all gon enjoy yourselves.


Ayanokoji POV:

Kamuro: You fucking asshole! I'm not that flat boards pet ya know!!!

Ayanokoji:(I am being a bit bitchy, not to mention I'm bored. Maybe we can have some fun. Both literally and metaphorically~) Sorry sorry. Just wanted to tease you after all.

Kamuro:!!(Surprised and blushes)Teasing me??! This is definitely not how you behave. Not to mention, not many jokes with me like that except the loli we have in our class.

Ayanokoji: Are you lying to me Kamuro?

Kamuro: (sweating)About what?

Ayanokoji; Nobody has ever teased you?

Kamuro: There's no point in lying right now. Also let's keep walking, I don't wanna stand in the sun after all.

Ayanokoji: Sure

They start walking just to not stay in the sun. Most likely be heading to keyaki mall or the store near the school for now.

Ayanokoji: Anyways going back to our little conversation Kamuro that honestly surprises me.

Kamuro: How come?

Ayanokoji: You are a beauty amongst all of the girls in this year and yet no one has either asked you out nor teased you other then Arisu?(Kamuro:*blushes really hard*) That honestly is shocking.

She throws a high kick to Ayanokoji's face. Fortunately he dodged at ease, all the while, got a glance at a specific someone's underwear by accident.


Ayanokoji: Me? A pervert? I never had any attention to sound like a pervert. All I've been saying so far is the truth and being a pervert is far off from the truth. In all honesty, I think the pervert would be you Kamuro.

Kamuro: AND HOW AM I A PERVERT(He wasn't lying about me being a beauty!!?)!!!!!?

Ayanokoji: Of course, after all, I wouldn't have thought of you to be like Ibuki and show me your panties so easily(KAMURO:!!!!). Worst of all your wearing purple? Defffffinitely not erotic.

Kamuro starts throwing hands and kicks to Ayanokoji. He keeps dodging without sweating. Right when Kamuro threw another kick at him she slip and was about to fall backwards until Ayanokoji caught her, now in a princess carry posture.

Ayanokoji: Your posture and positions are very good in fighting kamuro. *smirks*Although the position we are currently would definitely put us in a predicament, wouldn't you say??*winks*

Kamuro:(I can't handle this, I can't handle this, I can't handle this, I can't handle this, I can't handle this, I can't handle this. Right now he's looking VERY FUCKING HOT for some unknown reason and NOW HES BEING HONEST!!!) I- yo- *faints*

Ayanokoji:... Well I think I pushed her buttons to much....
Ayanokoji:*starts walking again while holding her*(I'll drop her off at the infirmary for the mean time. She would probably say otherwise, but her head was blowing off way to much heat.)


Ayanokoji: Looks like 1st period finished, now to wait for the other 3 periods.

3rd POV:

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