Drunkouji-kun????? P:1

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I've been very busy and lazy lately so I legit forgot all about Wattpad... kinda. Anyways in the least I'm posting this as an excuse so you guys don't get mad. Even though I don't think many reads my shit. Enjoy childs.

Btw I haven't read the Ln for a long time and only read to Y2V3 in the past since I can neither get the other volumes from my original source of getting the volumes and have time to read. So for this fic we'll just say they finish the cruise ship. I did remember hearing that they won with Koenji's help so that's that to.

Ok now enjoy.

Ayanokoji POV:

We came back from the island exam, along with Koenji reaching 1st place while I'm in 10th place. He probably would've been in 2nd place if it weren't for me and Kiryuin stopping President Nagumo and Acting Director Tsukishiro(along with whatever the other teacher was). Acting Director Tsukishiro is now leaving the school as he failed to expel me and Director Sakayanagi is getting his position back. Now all that's left is to deal with the other Whiteroom student and then deal with 'that man.' But forget that for now. Right now, I'm in need of water.

As we came back to the school premises, they have announced that they have to fix the pipes as something was wrong with them, therefore, there was no more water for the rest of the day. I was going to ask Akito, Haruka, Airi and Keisei for some water but they only have some for themselves so I took them out. I asked Kei afterwards but she ran out of water and is just going to wait for the plumbers to finish. I would ask Sakayanagi as well as Kamuro, but I'm pretty sure that Sakayanagi would make me do something and Kamuro would just say no. Asking Ryueen isn't an option, I don't want to ask Hiyori as I'm pretty sure she's asleep and I'm not planning to ask Ike and Sudo for water.

So that was 2 hours ago. And since then I've been going through the entire school premises to see if any vending machines or stores have water. Sadly I've had no luck in getting water from either one. I'm just going to have to head to the dorms then since it was almost 8:30 pm(like I said, its been awhile since I read the ln so sorry if I mess with the wrong times)

3rd POV:

As he was heading he was going through a different route to see if it would bring him to the dorms faster. Surprisingly, it didn't lol.

Anyways, he was going to go back but he saw one of the shops still open and he never saw it before so he entered the weird building, hoping to see if he could get water. He entered the shop and it seems to be a club.

Back to his POV:

I entered the building in which was opened and the first thing I noticed was the seats and bar. I assume this is what ryueen hangs out in, a club(in the anime). I was thinking of going back, but they might have water, so instead, I went to the bar to ask the employee water.

Kiyotaka: Excuse me, but do you guys by any chance have water?

Employee: Sir, do you mean water or "Water?"

What does he mean by "Water?" Either way, I'm going to assume that he said it like that because it's a alcohol drink named "Water." In the end I just want water so I'll just ask water.

Kiyotaka: Water is fine. How much do I have to pay?

The employee looks surprised for some reason? I don't know why, but in the end, he went to grab me a bottle of water so its fine.

Employee: It'll be 2,986 points.

For some reason the water here cost a lot. I don't really care since I have a lot of points thanks to the exam. I paid for it and he gave me a bag.

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