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Class 1-E were in a state of shock, bewildered, when they see their teacher's head just explode out of nowhere.  The teacher couldn't even react to the bullet either since it was not only out of nowhere, but was as if it was a normal bullet. Yet, his head still exploded from the impact. No normal bullets should be able to harm him. Only specialized weapons such as the AS bullets could harm him, and yet...

"Everyone get down!"

"Where the hell did the bullet come from?!"

"How did it even explode sensei's head! Only our bullets can harm!"

"It came from the other school building!"

As ??? said that, the sniper of the group took out her weapon and aimed at the other school building. But to no avail, no one is there.

"??? is right, the bullet came from the other school building. Sadly the shooter isn't there anymore."

"???-sensei! Can't you go to the other school building and search the area for the shooter!?"

"He can't smartass! We've been doing this for almost a year and a half and yet you still don't remember the rules?"

"She's right. Sensei can't show his powers to anyone since this is a secret government project/assassination. No one in the school knows other than a few of the staff members and the Acting Chairman."

"That's not the main problem students." ???-sensei said, getting everyone's attention all the while regenerating his head.

"The main problem is who has our specialized bullets and/or weapons. How did they get it and for how long have they known I wasn't your roundabout teacher."

The students who weren't and shocked and the one who were shocked got brought back into reality. Who the hell has one of their weapons and if not their bullets? The government would've told them, especially ???-sensei if a third party was involved in this "project." It doesn't seem to be the case since even ???-sensei wasn't aware of this.

"Whoever it was knows the entire purpose of this class. I don't know how long they've known but however long it was doesn't matter now. What matters is how do find out who it was before they spread it out to the public. ???! Can you check the surveillance cameras at the other school building?"

"I'm sorry but our third party hid themselves really well. I've checked the recording of the cameras from yesterday to right now and they haven't been shown at all. I'll look through the other surveillance cameras around the area as well."

"Shit! Not only have they been doing their research on ???-sensei, but-"

"But they've also been investigating the school as to know their blind spots."

As Class 1-E tries to figure out who their shooter is...






'It seems that they got the memo.'

A person who seems to look like a student is currently walking towards a classroom which has a name plate that says "Class 1-D".

'I was originally going to just call the teacher to the special annex building. The only problem with that would be the fact that ???-sensei might pin me down before even starting the fight which then brings along the proposition.' said person entering the class now known as Class 1-D and is heading towards his seat.

'I'm confident that I surpass anyone around or even above my age at this current time. Even when I haven't been thoroughly training for a year and a half. Even with my current skill sets and all the explosives and ammunitions I've been taking from Class 1-E without anyone even noticing, the chances of me winning against him are still relatively low. Not to mention that I might be exposed due to the cameras there as well which lowers my probability of winning due to the fact that we both don't want to be revealed to anyone.' ??? sits down in his seat and looks towards the lesson.

"You sure took your time on the bathroom." said ???, whose seat is next to his.

"Sorry, but I had to use the bathroom badly as I ate some burritos last night." said ???.

"Hmph, as if some burritos could mess your stomach up that badly." said ??? who now lost interest in the conversation.

'Either way, it was safer to do this instead along with the fact that I had many advantages. Not only was he not available to come to my location due to his head being exploded and on the fact that there may be students in the hallways, I was also able to avoid the cameras, therefore, not allowing their ?? to find out who it was.'


"Finally! Lunch time!"

"Let's go ???!"

"Hey! Wait for me!"

"C'mon ??? lets go eat lunch together!"


"Let's go eat at the library today!" texted ???.

"I'm fine with that, how about you guys?"

"Better off than in the cafeteria. Too loud and crowded."

"I'm fine with going there."

"I'll start heading there then to get us a table."

The young man starts heading towards the library with his backpack.

'I made sure not to leave a mark or trace there, so them finding out it was me is very low. This will keep them distracted as to not become aware of me too much as I've noticed that they've been wanting to know a lot more about me all the while trying to not let me know.'

"Hey there ???-kun! Where are you heading too?"

"Hey there ???-san. I'm heading towards the library to meet up with my friends."

"???-saaan! Let's go before they run out of food!"

"Sorry ???-kun, but I better start going with them. I hope you enjoy your meal and time spent with them!" said ??? who starts heading towards the girl calling for her.


'If people were to find out I did this because of  some people becoming interested in me, it's only because they don't know the whole story. In all honesty, I wouldn't have blamed them since I wouldn't have known the whole story if not for how they act along with what I found out.'

The young man starts entering the library and gets a table for him and his friend group to hang out, eat and study.

'I have to refocus to the current predicament I'm in since I handled this situation for the time being.'

"Kiyopon!" a blue hair woman calls out the brown hair student.

"Hey Haruka, where's the rest of the group?" "kiyopon" says.

"I was going to ask you the same thing. Guess I got here earlier than the rest of them." Haruka says as she starts to sit down.

As time passes on, the rest of the friend group comes in and sits down to start eating. Class 1-E is still trying to figure out who the shooter is even when they're on their break. A red hair and blue hair student checks the area where the shooter is just to find nothing. Will they find out that their friend was the shooter, or will they keep on searching for a ghost.




Classroom of the Elite x Assassination Classroom crossover but near the end of the second semester of the first year. It's been a while and just did this for fun. Will I continue on writing again? Probably not.

Didn't proofread or checked the shit again.

03/25/23 7:48 pm - 03/25/23 8:19 pm

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