The Pentacle

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*I haven't read cote in awhile and have never read the other one at all so enjoy*

This is my final day in Kōdo Ikusei Kōtō Gakkō. The final day of my freedom. Once the new day comes, I will have to leave the premises.

In all honesty, I have enjoyed my time here. I was able to learn many more things about society and how they are and act. I've learned how one's emotions can lead their entire life into dismay or happiness. In the end though, I only just confirmed many things that I have already learned before. Only now I was the given the chance to confirm these theories.

If you're wondering what has happened these past 3 years, then the best conclusion I can give you is that my hopes of being defeated didn't come true.

Halfway through our third year I transferred to Ryueen's class to see if my guidance to everyone has paid off. Starting all over again, just to reach Class A in the end.

If you believe that this entire battle was one sided, then you will be wrong. Ichinose finally removed the restraints that held her back this entire time. With her new mindset in place, the class got to move ahead of everyone and would have reached Class A if not for my interventions. She, Kanzaki and everyone else in the class gave a good fight, but in the end, it was pointless.

Sakayanagi's class was with absolute. It would be understatement to say that they didn't give their all. Sadly, luck wasn't on their side as Ichinose was able to pull through some risky actions.

Last but not least, Horikta's class. They did their best by using every chance they got in front of them. They used every advantage they could get and are reasonably placed the way they are. All the other 3 classes are tied together, while Ryueens class is only 68 points ahead of them all.

It surprised everyone that the classes are in a tie. It's supposedly the first time in Kōdo Ikusei Kōtō Gakkō history to ever happen. They would've taken another exam/battle, but luckily, Acting director Sakayanagi intervened and decided to let them all be announced as "Class B."

Although my hopes weren't able to be accomplished, my ideals at least were torn apart. Anyone can change to become a genius, and proof of that are the people themselves from each class.


Ahh. I should focus on what's in front of me right now.

"I'm sorry Ai, I was just revisiting the memories I made throughout the school."

"*pout*Did you remember leaving your beautiful girlfriend all alone in Class A? Only to be brought down to Class B?"

This, is Hoshino Ai. Apparently she's an uprising star idol for the band B-Komachi. Due to me being inside the white room most of my life I never knew about her at all. We first met in the bus and became friends since then. Only in our first year during Christmas break did Ai confess to me. I would've rejected it, but, I found it as an opportunity to learn what love is. She became the textbook I needed to understand it.

Even through all that time, I still don't feel anything for her. Or for anyone. I understand the concept of love, but due to understanding it, I can confidently say that I hold no feelings for her. I never truly loved her as how love is suppose to be.

So, with the school ending for us, I will have to return back to the white room. Due to that, this makes it a more reasonable reason to break up with her.

"*Sigh* Like I said before, I'm sorry about that Ai. But you know fully well why I did that."

She pouts and starts walking towards my direction. "I understand. But I still find it mean to just leave me there." She says that as she sits right next to me on my bed.

"Either way, what did you want to talk about today? Is it too ask me if you can see my group? I mean of course you can, but~. It'll cost you something~." As she finishes her last words in a teasing manner, she uses her finger to mess with my chest.

"It's actually none of that Ai. It's something that I've been meaning to say since school has ended for us."

"*Gasp* Kiyotaka! I never knew you'd have a surprise party for me!"


"Eh? Kiyotaka?"

"I'm sorry Ai, but I'm breaking up with you."

As those words leave my mouth, her once fixated flinch and her pupil starts to dilate. Her face shocked by what she just heard.

"Ki-Kiyotaka. Your joking right?"

"I was never the type to joke, let alone in a serious conversation like this."

Sensing that I truly was being serious, her eyes start to let out some tears while she shakes her head from left to right.

"But why? I never did anything wrong to you, right? I always tried to help you out, even if it meant that I might get caught. So why Kiyotaka?"

Streams of tears starts to come out of the beautiful girl in front of me. It seems she doesn't want to accept reality. And even though she was right about all that, in the end, it doesn't even matter.

"Your right, you did nothing wrong at all. The only problem is that in the end, once tomorrow comes, I'll have to leave you anyways. Whether I like it or not."

What I just said was most definitely a truth but could become false. That man might be fine with her being with me due to her popularity. It could be a chance to give him a higher advantage after all. A tool is meant to be used after all.

"Is it your parents? If that's the case then le-"

"Even if I run a way they will find me. The end is inevitable Ai. Even for me, it'll be difficult to handle them. I'd rather just go back instead of prolonging this battle. Even if I do prolong it, you'll only be in the crossfire."

Listening away to what I have to say, she lays her head on my chest, sniffling for air and removing her tears as much as she can.

"But I don't want you to leave me Kiyotaka. I*sniff* want to be with you forever."

Even though she's been with me the most, understanding me the most as well, she still doesn't want to let go one of the pillars that has supported her throughout her journey in the school.


I sit there, letting her calm down in my chest, letting her recollect her thoughts.

"If that's the case, then can't I at least have one last moment with you*small sniff". Kiyotaka."

As she says that, she looks me deep into my eyes, yearning for attention. No, more than attention.
She seeks physical contact, she seeks for conformation, she seeks for her only pillar to leave a small gift behind so it may be remembered forever.

"Okay then, Ai."


It's currently 6:23 pm, the sun is setting outside my window, basking the room with it's beautiful rays to engulf me and Ai. Leading us to have our flowery night. From a simple kiss, to passionate kissing, to our shirts being removed, and so on. This entire moment, shall be my last gift to you, Hoshino Ai.

*August 22nd 12:47 am(I think) - August 22nd 2:22 am. No proofreading. Didn't want to publish this but kind of want to. A part 2 may be~ come out to explain a specific something.*

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2023 ⏰

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