Chapter 1: Another Adventure

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The day their lives changed was a day like any other. They had just been to Wild's Hyrule, and were in Time's. They were having quite the relaxed time, having Malon and Wild making lunch for everyone. That's when the voice came.

"Heroes of Courage...listen well." Hylia's voice commanded, and everyone looked up.

They were outside, all relaxing, except for Malon who was doing other things. All the Heroes immediately paid attention.

"Another universe run by my sister is falling. I need some of you to come to this universe." Hylia commanded.

She explained about the history, everything they needed to know, even how All for One and One for All worked. She also sent a vison of All Might in his small form.

"My sister has given everyone in her universe fake memories according to a past." Hylia explained. "Hero of Time, Hero of the Four Sword, Hero of Twilight and Hero of the Wild, I entrust you to do your job well in this universe. Pay close attention to the backstory."

The others quietly panicked. Hylia was splitting them up?! What were they going to do? Meanwhile, the chosen began to get in as much information as possible.

"You will have three quirks each. In a moment, I'll explain each to you privately. What you decide to tell people is up to you. When you finish this quest, you may keep your quirks as a bonus." Hylia said. "I will tell you your quirks now."

Everyone waited in silence. The Heroes chosen closed their eyes.



Quirks: Shiekah Slate, Champion, Cook

Shiekah Slate

The Shiekah Slate is now apart of Wild. No longer does he need to carry the slate around. He can use any rune endlessly (except for amiibo of course), if there is the normal cooldown. With this, he can still use 'glitches' and things like that, though these can tire him, hurt him, or possibly even kill him. Weapons can still break, and he can still run out of arrows, but Wild can get more by one of Four's quirks. He can even teleport if he finds a waypoint.


This takes all of the Champion abilities to a new level. Not only can he use them for longer periods, it being more powerful, and he can have endless charges, but he can manipulate them in different ways. With the Champions' help, he can change the way it's used to help him in battle or in tests. However, if he uses it too much, he will get tired.


Cook allows any food that Wild makes to heal him. With full-meals, he can heal completely and gain energy. He can also gain excess hearts or excess stamina or heal others. This quirk lets Wild to be a naturally good cook, so everything he makes will heal. In addition, any food he receives even from others will heal him. No drawbacks.


Quirks: Fierce Deity, Masks, Time

Fierce Deity

This allows Time to tap into the power of the Fierce Deity whenever he wishes, and even transform into him as if he's using the mask. However, he can only use a limited power, because if he uses it too much, the Fierce Deity controls him instead. In addition, he can see the Fierce Deity as the deity follows him around in day-to-day life. Others can only see him if Time wills it.


This allows Time to transform into any of his masks. Of course, he still experiences all their pain and their lives in a second before transforming, but there's no limit. If he transforms too rapidly or for too long, the spirit might try and take over, so Time should refrain from using too many or for too long.


This allows Time to manipulate time, go back and forth in time, speed up or slow down, but cannot use it in the same way Wild uses time for flurry-rushes, parries, etc. If he uses it too much, he will feel exhausted and perhaps even collapse. To not use energy, he can use is ocarina to slow down or speed up time.


Quirks: Wolf, Realm, Vison


This extends the power of Twilight's wolf form. In this, he has the abilities of a wolf, even as a human. He can transform parts of his body into a wolf's to extend this. Of course, he can transform into his wolf form as well, even without the item necessary. No obvious drawbacks.


This allows Twilight to use many things. He can create Twilight portals, teleport, carry things like Midna could, attack like Midna could with the circle, things like that. If he uses this too often, he does get tired.


Vison allows Twilight to basically see into someone's mind. He can see the first memory that's on their mind, communicate/read their mind, send his voice into someone's mind, show them memories, etc. He could even see their memory as someone is telling a story, but he can't see anything else or feel anything during a vison, so it could be dangerous if he was suddenly attacked.


Quirks: Elements, Split, Blacksmith


This allows him to use the elements well. If Four is not split, then he can still control all four, but they're all weaker except for the one in control, and that's still weaker as well. When split, each can use their respective element very well. No obvious drawbacks.


This is the quirk that Four 'uses' to split. No obvious drawbacks. This quirk also makes sure that Four doesn't get further split or more disoriented when switching worlds or teleporting.


Blacksmith allows Four to create any weapon he's seen before. If used too often, he gets tired. Four can use this to supply weapons to anyone, or even create items if the ones he uses breaks. To not get tired, he could work in a forge. That creates better results.


After they received all of their quirks, Hylia continued.

"Tomorrow at 9:00am,  a portal will take you to this universe. As I've stated before, you now have your inheritence, and I will send some money for you every week. You need as much of an advantage as you can. For now, say your goodbyes." Hylia finished.

Everyone felt her presence leave, and chatter immediately broke out.

"What are we going to do?" Wind asked, "Time's the leader! Wild's our best archer and melee, Four is a good defence, and Twilight's great at strength!"

"Alright, calm down, everybody." Time said. "It looks like we have no choice. Let's figure out a plan, and we can spend as much time as we can with each-other."


So they did. They decided that the others would keep on doing what they have been doing. They had fun, played games, helped out with the farm. They had a storytime session over dinner, gave hugs, said goodbye. 

Malon was hard to say goodbye for the four of them. However, they did say goodbye. It was hard.

"It's not like you're leaving yet," she said. "Tomorrow morning you will. And you'll also come back. Do you understand?"

They nodded. Yeah. They were definitely coming back after this.

A New Type of Hero: A LoZ Linked Universe x MHA/BNHA FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now