Chapter 5: Wild & Iida VS Mina & Koda

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Battles were cycled through, until it reached the one some were waiting for. Some were dreading it, others were watching with excitement.

Wild and Iida. What sounded like an amazing team. Both good in their own right, and also friends, so they would have no problems working with each other. Their opponents, Mina and Koda, didn't seem like they would do well in comparison. While Mina is open and friendly, Koda is really shy and barley even speaks, if at all. He uses sign language instead. They seem like polar opposites, which wouldn't do well in a situation such as this.

Wild and Iida, Team I, was the villain team. Therefore, they went into the building first. They walked in silence, each thinking of seperate plans. When they reached the weapon area, Wild spoke first.

"So, I'm assuming you thought of a plan as well?" Wild asked.

Iida nodded, "Certianly. However, I would like to hear what you've come up with."

"Of course," Wild explained, "The plan isn't that complicated. We must'll keep it simple and capture Mina and Koda. Mina is our bigger problem, so we should do something that she can't use her acid on. In addition, it's best to catch Koda by suprise, take him away, and then focus on getting Mina down. Therefore, you should take care of the weapon while I take Koda down. I'll try to take him down as fast as possible, so that Mina can be taken down as well. What do you think?"

"That was similar to my plan," Iida agreed, "It's good we've been paired together. I would protect the weapon while you intercepted them."

"Alright, then we're in agreement. I'll see you soon," Wild said, running out.

Mina and Koda had split up when it began. Mina assumed that Wild would be the one coming after them, so she was constantly on guard. She missed the shadow that went past her, continuing to walk forwards in the hallways.

"Koda? Are you good?" she spoke into her communicator, but there was no response.

Of course.

She continued on. A loud bang echoed from the communicator, and her gaze filled with worry. Was Koda already taken down? How could he been taken down so quickly?

"Koda. Have you been captured?" she questioned, but there was still no response.

She almost found herself getting angry at his silence. Why couldn't he speak? It would make this so much easier.

"Yes, he has," Wild's voice echoed from behind her.

How had she not noticed him? She whirled around to the wall, only to be met with a blade a bit from her throat. It glowed a strange blue, and looked different from normal swords. It was...short. She reached out, she could melt it with her acid-

"I wouldn't try that if I were you. You'd discover that it was fruitless," Wild told her, the blade going closer to her throat.

It pricked her neck. She tried not to wince in pain. She saw a bead of blood trickle down her neck.

"You've got one chance to stop trying," Wild warned. "One chance. If not, well...I'm just going to teach you a lesson."

He really knows how to play the part, Mina thought dryly.

"Never," she answered, feeling her quirk build up. "Not while I can help it!"

She flung the acid at him, expecting it to do something. To her surprise, it hadn't even dented the shield that he used to protect himself, glowing blue like the strange sword.

"You're lucky I didn't bring out my bladesaw," Wild almost smirked.

"You shouldn't underestimate me!" Mina answered, running at him.

Wild crouched into position. Was he just going to use that shield again? She positioned her hands to go above the shield, no matter how tall it was-

And Wild sidejumped. She turned, and Wild was suddenly a blur. Strikes slammed into her side, and she could feel blood pooling out. She almost screamed at the pain before collapsing. 

"Villain team wins," All Might announced.

Wild sighed in relief. He took out a hearty elixir from his slate and got her to drink it. Immediately, the wounds healed. Mina would be asleep for a little while.

"I have to admit, Wild really played the part," Time said as the teams went back to to the monitoring room.

"Anything that could be improved on both sides? Anything good about it?" All Might asked.

"Wild was the MVP for this battle," Twilight said, "Not only did he play his part well, how he executed his plan was exceptional. His skills with a sword were great, and he used weapons he knew would render Mina useless. In addition, he made the battle as quick as possible."

"Correct, Wild was the MVP for this battle. However, Wild- I know you were sure you could heal Mina, but maybe that many strikes was a bit much," All Might said.

Wild smiled sheepishly, "Sorry, I guess I got a bit carried away."

"So, what could the hero team do better to improve?" All Might asked the class.

"Koda and Mina could've stayed together instead," Momo said, "Considering that it's impossible to communicate sign language on a communicator, and that Wild defeated them while they were divided, perhaps it would've been better if they stayed together to give them more of a chance."

"Correct, Young Yaoyorozu," All Might said. "The next teams: Team J verses Team D! Team J!"

"Do us proud, old man!" Twilight grinned.

"Yeah, old man! Show them that your old bones still work!" Wild grinned.

Four smirked, "Do you need a walking stick? Just so you can get there?"

Time groaned jokingly, "You guys..."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2022 ⏰

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