Chapter 2: The Entrance Exam

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Wild's POV

We said our real goodbyes. It wasn't really goodbye- it was more like 'see you later'. That's because it actually was just that. Sure, we were leaving each other, but it wasn't going to be forever. That I refuse. We've been through many things together.

We still had our secrets, though. There was things I haven't told them, things that-

"You're acting like it's the end of the world. You're going to see each other again, so hurry it up," Revali groaned. "You're all acting like the moment the portal comes, you're going to die."

"Oh, cut it out, Revali." Urbosa said. "They're more than descendants  or ancestors. They're family."

"Whatever." Revali sighed.

Wild hid a smile at their conversations. The portal grew in size. It was time to go. With a final hug, we all stepped into the portal.


We arrived at a mansion. When we arrived, a scanner immediately went onto us, and the gates opened. I was told about this in my dreams. We each had a floor, there was a kitchen floor, a living room floor, a theatre floor, training floors, etc. It had everything we wanted. Sitting on the table was our credit cards and phones.

Instinctively, I knew how to use it. The only contacts on it was Twi's, Time's and Four's. Was this what Hylia was talking about? How everything would come natrually?

According to the digital schedule on the meeting floor, we had a month to master our quirks and get to the UA exam. Luckily, it didn't seem that hard. We all trained privately or together. We all hid things about our quirks. The most obvious was Four, because we all had three, and Four never used his third. Oh well. I was hiding the Champions as well.

When I trained privately, the Champions were my tutors. Soon I found myself doing even better. When we sparred, we could all tell how much we were all improving.




Izuku's POV

I was on my way to the entrance exam. After that close call with Kacchan, I began to feel a bit more confident. That was when shouting was heard.

"CUB! STOP RUNNING!" A voice shouted.

A teenager with dark blonde hair and a wolf cloak over his shoulder was chasing another teen with a blue tunic and light pants. Huh. Must be more people trying out for UA. He laughed, before slowing down.

"Has the old man even caught up yet?" 'Cub' asked.

"Nah, cub. He's way too old-smithy! Stop sniggering!" The wolf-cloaked teen said.

'Smithy' laughed.

"Careful! The old man might hear you," he said.

"And hear him I have," a teen walked.

He looked very formal and leaderly. 

"Pup. I am not old!" he complained.

"It's in your name, old man," 'Cub' smirked.

"Hey! You wild-child!" 'Old Man' said.

"Alright, alright, fine." 'Pup' said. "We gotta get in to this exam or whatever. Let's go."

"Alright, Twi." 'Smithy' said.

At that point, it was obvious that most people had lost interest. As the group walked into the building, I took a bit more of my time. Just then, I began to fall. A girl stopped me.

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