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{I also added some minor detail, that seemed missing.}

A/N: The chapters will be in Myra's POV unless stated otherwise.

Myra's POV

I arrived home by noon. 

So, shall I introduce myself again, and what I do?

I, Myra Sharma, am the founder and CEO of a game development company, and it is known for designing "Scarrow" a multiplayer storyline battle royale game. The popularity of the game skyrocketed as soon as it was released.

Heer and I designed this game when we were in Uni. We didn't think it'd receive so much love and support. I was elated when Heer informed me about it.

Only my family knows about my company. I went to Pankaj, my soon-to-be ex-fiancee, to tell him about my identity and to announce our wedding date, only to see that he was cheating on me.

But it's for the better anyway, otherwise, I would've stayed blind to his mischief and maybe inevitably married him.

Just thinking about it made me shiver.

Well, it's all for the best. He can go to hell with my best friend for all I care. After all, heartbreak hurts for only a few days. It is better to go through heartbreak than waste a lifetime on someone not worth your shoe dust.

Pankaj Oberoi, the son of the CEO of Phoenix Dealers, was the guy I had loved since college. Everyone called me a gold digger but I didn't care, people talk after all.

He was sweet to me and never did anything that'd break my trust. We fought like a normal couple and we reconciled, he was the guy who took my virginity.

We were happy. When he proposed to me I was ecstatic. I never even suspected that he'd cheat on me. I never thought I was this blind in love. I always made rational decisions and never sacrificed too much of myself. Was it wrong of me to love myself? Was it wrong of me to be a bit selfish?

I felt my cheeks become wet and my vision goes blurry.
Huh? Why am I crying? I promised!
Ugh! They won't stop!

I harshly wiped my eyes, not caring if it was messing up my makeup. People were giving me weird looks. I wanted to scream at them. It felt like they were intruding on my personal space.

I called Heer and asked her where she was. My tone was harsh but she didn't say anything. After a few minutes, Heer arrived at the airport.

" Are you doing ok?" She asked. 
"Why won't I?" I scoffed.
"Babe, you're crying." She pointed.
"Ugh! Just shut up and drive. " I held my temples.
"Where to?" Heer asked again.
"To my father-in-law's office. " I said, my body shaking with rage.
"Babe you're scaring me."                                                                                                                                                "Good." 


"Ah! How is my favourite soon-to-be daughter-in-law doing?" Suresh Oberoi said as he hugged me. He was a good guy, it'd break his heart when he hears what I have to say but I have to say it.

"I have something to tell you," I said seriously.
"What is it? Is your company alright? Do you need help?" He asked in one breath.
"Calm down. It's not my company, it's your son." I said as we sat down.
"Did you two fight again?" he said with a wide smile.
My heart constricted as I looked at him, looking at me with so much love. Would he hate me after this?
"No!" my voice was shaking, I bet he sensed the tension in my voice so he sat up straight and asked me what was wrong.
"He, He's, He's cheating on me with my best friend Kritika." I teared up again.
"No that can't be true. My son, he loves you too much to do something that horrible. This must be a misunderstanding!"  He shook his head dismayed.

I handed him my phone that held the footage of them making out and whispering sweet words to each other in their hotel room.
I wiped my eyes after handing my phone to him and watched his reaction change at lightning speed.
It went like shock, denial, shame, anger, pity and acceptance. He looked broken in the end. he loved his son too much to not let this impact him. 

"I, I, I, don't know w-what, to say........" he said as he put my phone down.
"I want to annul my engagement. " I said trying to be as calm as possible.
He gave me a sad smile and agreed. "It's obvious. But I hope you'll come visit this old man from time to time," he said. I stood up and he did the same.
"I hope you won't hate me too much if I tweet this and announce the annulment of our marriage to the public?" I asked him but I already knew his answer.
"Ho, Ho, Ho. Of course, he had it coming." he masked his hurt with laughter, but the pain in his voice was evident, Pankaj was his son no matter what. 
I left after hugging him.
"Here, dear, I have some work for you," I said with a smile.
"Ugh! Don't you always?" she groaned.
"I want you to tweet this footage of Pankaj cheating on me with Kiritika, announce that we're not engaged anymore, and make it go viral," I said.

"Awesome! Now this task won't tire me out, I hope you won't mind me going all out." Heer exclaimed.
"Now, let's go home."


A/N: A double update!
Well, that also means I'm not studying.
Well, shit.

I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter. I might as well proceed to write the next part.

Updated A/N, It's been years since I wrote this (I think?) but only now am I editing this. I'm sorry for the wait, and extremely sorry to the past readers who had to read through the horrible grammar and silly mistakes. It must have been so confusing and annoying. I'm extremely sorry it took me this much time. But life had been throwing curveballs after curveballs at me and only now am I getting some breather. I'll continue refining this story and then get to the other stories. I have many things planned so I hope you'll bear with me. 

Please comment what you think about this story. Your comments keep me going. 


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