Meeting Parents Pt 2

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"I was shit scared of your dad and brother." Raj chuckled as we drove to his house.

Today I'm meeting his parents. And I'm a bit jumpy.

"I almost did not recognize you. The Abhiraj Rajvansh, obnoxious, egoistic CEO, shivering like a wimpy cat." I chuckled.
He shivered. "Ugh, don't remind me."
"But ma is fond of you. She said that you are adorable." If only she knew.
"If she saw me in my business mode, she wouldn't say that." We laughed at his statement.

"Well, I must warn you, my family is a bit crazy." He said.

"Oh, I didn't ask, how many family members do you have?" I bit my tongue as soon as I said that.

"Weren't you listening to me talking yesterday?" I said as we stopped in front of a huge gate.
"I'm sorry." I nervously said.
He leaned closer to me and bit my ear. I yelped. "Next time you don't pay attention, the consequences will be different. I forgive you this time." He said in a husky tone.
If there's one thing I learned about Raj, then it's that he hates it when someone doesn't pay attention when he's talking to them.

The gate opened and he drove in.
I gawked at the huge mansion. Do I have to live here? No, no way, I hate big houses. Wait why am I thinking about living here?

My cheeks grew red and I rubbed my palms on them to cool them down.

"Well," he started, "I have my younger brother, Virat, my cousin, Hritik, and his daughter Meghna as you already know, Hritik's mother Shalini, my mom and dad, and my grandmother, who is bedridden." He said. I made an 'O' face and looked forward.
"My other cousins are scattered around, some studying and some doing jobs and stuff. Most of my uncles and aunts are dead so, this is their only home." He said and we got out of the car. "I see." I bobbed my head in understanding.

"My dear, you have been warned." He said as he opened the door.
"Myra Ma'am!" I was greeted by a chirpy Megha who ran to me and jumped into my arms.
"Hi, baby!" I kissed her cheeks.
"So you're Myra." A beautiful lady said as she took Meghna from my arms.
"That's my aunt, Shalini," Raj whispered into my ear.
"Hello, Aunty," I said with a smile.
I looked around the huge living room as I walked in.
"Oh, she's here! Abhi's girlfriend is here!" Someone squealed, but it wasn't a feminine voice.
Raj groaned beside me and Shalini laughed.
"That's my dad." He looked embarrassed.
"Oh, beta, how I have waited for this day to come." A man seemingly in his early sixties I guess, came and hugged me.
I was shocked.
"Come, come, sit. You can call me Dad. One look and knew you were the one. Why are you alone, where is that rascal, oh there he is, don't mind him, sit, sit." He went on.
"Dad, Dad, hold on, you're scaring her." Raj intervened and I sighed.
"Oh, I'm sorry I was just too happy to see that my rascal finally has settled down." He wiped his eyes.
He is nothing like how the media portrays him to be. Or maybe he is, but not with his family? I can't tell if it's a good thing or a bad thing.
"Dad we're not married. Yet." Raj said and I blushed. We haven't been dating for that long! We're moving way too fast. It's scary but thrilling?

I talked with them for a bit. His mother was really sweet. She told me about his childhood days and we all laughed.

"The eavesdropper!" Someone yelled. I turned around to see the same guy I saw in the hotel that day.
"The nosy dude!" I spat.

""What are you doing here?""
We said in unison.

"Wait both of you know each other?" Raj asked.
"Kinda, who is he anyway?" I asked.
"He's Virat, my brother," Raj said and I was stunned.
"And Virat this is my girlfriend, Myra." He said.
"No way, I don't approve of her. She's a bad girl." He said and I rolled my eyes.
"And you don't know when to keep your mouth shut, nosy Parker," I muttered.
"Why so?" Raj asked.
"She spies on couples who are making out." He spat and I couldn't contain my laughter.
"That was my ex-fiance cheating on me with my best friend you dumbass,"  I said. Oh god, this was too funny. I wiped my eyes and Virat looked embarrassed. He looked young.

"I'm sorry." He said and ran away.
"I'm sorry about him, he's still a kid." Raj said and I shook him off, "It's no issue, he's cute." I smiled.
"I'm glad you don't hate him." He said.

But then I realized that I showed very unladylike behaviour to my elders. I apologetically looked at them only to find them looking at me sympathetically.
"I'm sorry beta, I didn't know you went through something like this." Shalini Aunty said.
"Oh don't worry about it, those were just bad days and bad memories, besides," I held Raj's hands and smiled at him, "I have someone way better than him by my side."
"If he breaks your heart, I'm disowning him." His father said and we laughed.

Today was an eventful day as well.


Happy reading.

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