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(a few days after Kritika's visit)

Abhiraj Rajvansh's POV:

"Remember Suresh? " My father, Karthik Rajvansh asked me as soon as I entered his study.

"Your childhood friend?" I asked and he nodded.

"I am very much occupied for the next two weeks so you're going to his son's engagement party, which is next Friday," he said and I nodded.

"And, you have to get married soon. My other friends all have grandkids and me? I don't even have a daughter-in-law." he said as he wiped his crocodile tears.
I rolled my eyes at him, "Look, Dad, I love you, but this is too much, I'll get married- " he cut me off and said, "When the time comes, I know but when will it come? Son you're 29 already, you'll be 30 next month." I sighed.

"I want a daughter-in-law by the end of this year, otherwise I'm setting you up," he said sternly.
"How are you even my father? You act like a twelve-year-old." I held my temples. We continued going back and forth without reaching a conclusion. I skillfully diverted the conversation to business. But he diverted from the track and started nagging me again.

"Did your dad nag you again?" Mom asked me as soon as I was out of the study. I sighed in response.
Mom smiled as she placed a hand on my shoulder.
"Well, he's not wrong you know, even I want to hold my grandkids in my arms, spoil them, you know, the usual." Mom said.
"I'm going to my study, I have some important matters to attend to."
Mum smiled, "You can't run from this forever son." I heard her from behind me.
"Hey, bro!" My younger cousin Hritik called out to me.
I was about to go to the construction site to check on some things.
"What is it?" I asked him.
"Can you please pick Meghna for me?" he asked.

Meghna is his adopted daughter. After his wife died in a car accident, he became numb. After Megna came into his life he learned to love and laugh again. I am happy for him and Meghna is the princess of our house.

"Yeah, sure. But why though?" I asked out of curiosity.
"I'm meeting Anindita right now." he scratched his head.
"You still haven't told her?" I shook my head as he didn't say anything.
"I'll do it. How can I miss the chance to meet my princess?" I smiled and he looked relieved but, just like me, he can't run from his problems forever.

Your problem is that you can never get laid.                                                                                                         My conscience mocked me, but I ignored it.


I parked my car at a distance and walked to the school gates. I was not wearing my usual suit so I didn't attract any unnecessary attention, although people were still looking at me, it wasn't unbearably annoying but it still sucks. Thank God I'm working from home for the next few days.

I don't have the habit of waiting too long as I'm punctual and expect everyone around me to be punctual. But my brother insisted I come ten minutes earlier.

After a while the security opened the gate and the parents rushed in. I waited till the crowd disappeared and then entered the school grounds.
I'd never picked Meghna up from school, so this was my first time coming to here.
It was a nice place. It was small, cute if I must. There was a large playground in the front. A garden was on the side and the school was at the back.

I saw some kids playing.
I looked for Meghna but she was not there so, I walked further into the campus.
After looking around for a bit, I found her with a lady, at the back of the campus, by a flower bed.
The lady was cradling her.
Is she crying? I thought to myself.

I walked a bit closer to them, careful enough not to let them know of my presence.

"It's alright darling." I heard the lady say. She had a nice voice, wait what?
"B-but, the flowers." Meghna buried her face in the crook of the lady's neck.

"It's okay baby, flowers will wither with time no matter how much you care for them." The lady said, still cradling her.

"But why? Why do they die?" Meghna cried louder. My heart ached for her.

"No baby, don't cry, the flowers will be even sadder if you cry." She said.
"They will?" Meghna sniffled.
"Yes. You don't want the flowers to feel sad do you?" She asked and Meghna shook her head.

"Good girl, then we'll plant some more flowers tomorrow. You can tell Papa to come a bit late so we can plant some flowers and have fun. Alright? Good girl, now off you go, your father must be waiting." She said as she put Meghna down.

"Abhi uncle!" Meghna exclaimed as soon as she noticed me.

"Hey, princess!" I crouched down so that she could jump into my arms.
"Did you have fun today?" I asked her as I kissed her cheeks.
"Eeehh! It's spiky." She said referring to my stubble. And I chuckled.
"Now, was today fun?" I asked again.
"Yes! I was sad that the flowers had wilted but Myra Ma'am said I could always plant more." She said as she looked behind her.

It was then I realised that the teacher hadn't left. She was looking at us with a smile on her face. I must say, even in the shade she looked radiant.
"Oh, sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Abhiraj, Meghna's uncle. Her father couldn't make it today." I said.
"Oh, it's no issue, Mr. Rajvansh." She said with a smile. I'm not surprised that she recognised me. But she didn't seem affected by my presence. The world doesn't revolve around you boy.  I ignored the voice in my head as I continued to observe here.

I was fairly popular, some of the younger guardians were drooling while looking my way. It was creepy. But the point is, she wasn't affected by my presence. It was like a breath of fresh air. 

"Well, little Meghna told you already, but I'm Myra, Myra Sharma. A pleasure to make your acquaintance, Mr. Rajvansh." She said as she held her hand out.

"Oh, please, don't call me Mr. Rajvansh, it's like you're addressing my father. Please call me by my name. I shall do the same if you're comfortable." I said surprising myself as well as her.

"O-oh, alright, Abhiraj." She said and something clicked.


Here comes the male lead!
Honestly, I'm getting a lot of inspiration for this story and I hope to finish it soon.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter.

A/N: The more I edit this book, the more I'm impressed by my past self. But that also means I'm not improving. LOL. Happy reading y'all. 

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