This Rich

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Myra's POV

Oh my God, I'm engaged to Raj! I'm so happy, I feel like I could jump over the moon. With all the adrenaline pumping through my body, I think I can pull it off. I was jumping around the house, dancing and singing, and making others dance with me. Although Diksh and Dad were a bit grumpy at first, they couldn't help but smile when they saw how happy I was.

"Looks like you're truly happy, sis." Diksh said as I hugged him. I giggled.
"Yeah, she's laughed this freely after ages." Shiv huffed. I made her dance with me for a long time after all.
"Is aunt leaving us?" Little Kavita asked innocently, and then it dawned upon me that if I got married, I would have to leave everyone.

I looked at Diksh and my vision got blurry.
"Now, now, child, don't cry. We'll always be by your side."

After an emotional rollercoaster, I finally calmed down.

Right now I was in my room doing some work. The game would be released in a few weeks. And right now I'm working on virtual gaming gear.

My technical team is very excited to work on this project. I am quite pumped about it.
I wanna make something minimal and affordable. And I know this product will cause a ripple in the market.
I smirked as I looked at the model I designed.
Okay, it's not as minimal as I thought, but technology is not that advanced and I'm not a genius. I'll leave the rest for my team.

The news of India's biggest business tycoons getting engaged became a sensation.
The media won't stop stalking me. It created such a big uproar, that we had to move out of the colony and to the richer part of the city because of security reasons.
I did have a mansion under my name. I got it for myself because I was too bored. At that time money had just started flowing into the company and I didn't know what to do with my allowance so I bought a mansion.

What? I was young then. Don't judge.
And that time I had too much money for my liking so I did what anyone my age who was obsessed with the CEO aesthetic, if that's a thing, would have done.
I rained money on myself and my family. But then my father smacked some sense into me and said that I should give away the excess money to people who actually need it rather than waste it on useless commodities.
And from then on I have been doing charity work and I'm quite happy doing so.
But because of that, I do have a lot of things under my name, like a personal jet, and tonnes of cars since I love cars and stuff.
Now that I think about it, it's a lot. Maybe I should put some of them in charity auctions. I don't need seventeen cars for myself. They'll just rot under my lazyass care.

"Wow, sis. I never thought I'd come to this part of the city." Diksh commented.
"Humph, it's just rich snobs wasting money." My father scoffed.
And I laughed nervously. If my father didn't scold me that day, I would have become a rich snob myself.
Thanks, Dad, I internally said.

We reached my mansion in a matter of time.

My mansion was comparatively on the smaller side, with a yard and tonnes of trees and flowers and a few pets. I am a nature person. And I kind of have a foresty aesthetic I built here over time. 
I have tonnes of books, a dark academia furniture thingy and my wardrobe is full of oversized clothes and mostly black.

"You guys can choose your rooms. There are sunrooms, which means rooms that facilitate plenty of sunlight, I think Ma and Papa would like those rooms. They overlook the backyard. And there are dark rooms, for people like me. And then there are normal rooms. There are three floors, the second floor is for study and research and stuff and it completely belongs to me. And the third floor is empty so you guys can decorate it however you like. The sunrooms are here on the first floor and the garage is underground. You guys can browse the house and see what you like. My housekeeper and butler will assist you."

I said and everyone was speechless.
"What? I'm rich." I shrugged.
"But we didn't think this rich," Diksh said.
"Well, now you know. Make yourself at home, you're not guests after all. You're my family." I smiled.

I flopped on my bed. Ah, this smells like home. Although I preferred our small house back in the colony, this is my home now. And it's not like this house is unfamiliar to me.

I looked around my room, it does have one window and I keep it closed, most of the time. I have a queen-sized bed and my favourite fantasy books here. A few paintings Shiv made me and a big tv where I watch my favourite shows.

And then I realized, I won't be able to live here for long. I'm getting married in a matter of time.
I hugged my knees and sighed. So many emotions raging inside me that it's overwhelming.
Tomorrow the priest is coming here as well as Raj's family, to decide the date for the engagement and marriage.

My phone rang. It was an unknown number. I frowned but picked it up regardless.

"Abhi is mine. Stay away from him." The person on the other side spoke up. I sneakily put the phone on record.
Who do you think you are? I got off my bed. And reached for my laptop on the side table.
I haven't mentioned it, but I know the nitty-gritty of hacking. I learned it from Pankaj. 

Gotta appreciate the good things.

"Who are you?" I asked as I started tracking the call.
"I'm Tanishka, Tanishka Styles." And I rolled my eyes.
"You have to be smarter than that to fool me. According to my knowledge, Tanishka is in Switzerland chilling with her to-be wife, Natalie Roberts and you are in Bhopal." I smirked.
"W-w-what are you talking about? D-don't bluff."
"And you just proved my bluff sweetie." I cooed. "Do me a favour and don't call me again," I said I hung up. Immediately I sent the recording to Raj and Falguni, my friend and the SP of Bhopal, she'll take care of the rest. If this wannabe Tanishka is still in that location. It's private property so I guess it's her house.

Well, whatever. I'm just glad I kept tabs on Tanishka, although it was out of jealousy, don't judge, it turned out to be useful.

Later that day, the news of a psycho killer, who constantly changes her face, with plastic surgery, and her accomplice, the surgeon, was arrested. "Once I get out of here I'm coming for you. How dare you turn in an innocent?!" She yelled at the camera. She's a psychopath alright, but I can pull some strings and with a bit of tweaking if needed I could put her in jail forever. And I'll do just that. I don't want a crazy ex on my list of enemies, sane ones are a handful enough. I pressed my temples. At least she didn't call me out.

Ah, these days have been too eventful for my liking.


(And the stranger disappears)

Happy reading.

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