It's Embarassing

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I woke up early in the morning. I took a day off of work, so I could sleep to my heart's content, but unfortunately, I couldn't. Force of habit. I also have to drop Kavita off at school, but I  don't want to, I was crying internally while throwing a tantrum. All I want is to sleep forever. God, I could marry my bed. But I'm not feeling sleepy anymore, so let's get some work done. I also need to prepare gifts for my best friend and ex-fiance.

Feeling rejuvenated after a shower, I confidently brewed myself a strong cup of black coffee and made my way to the study room.

Shiv walked into my room and reminded me, "You said you're going to drop Kavita to school."

"Of course, I will," I replied.

"It's already 7:30, you should get ready," Shiv pointed out, and I immediately got up.

"Thanks, Shiv, you're a lifesaver!" I exclaimed.

"You're excited to drop off Kavi," she teased and I rolled my eyes. But she was right. I kept telling myself I shouldn't be, but matters of the heart are hard to ignore."

I quickly took a bath, made myself presentable, and left with Kavita who was whining about going to school. It seemed like she didn't want to go to school either. I chuckled.

"Mimi!" Raj exclaimed as he messed up my hair. I blushed and slapped his hand away. "Don't call me that!" I pouted. "How cute," he commented and I blushed even harder. Thank God I have dark skin, otherwise it would be obvious.

"Why aren't you going in?" he asked as I watched Kavita and Meghna walking inside, hand in hand. They looked so cute together.

"Oh, I took a day off," I replied, shrugging my shoulders.

"Are you not feeling well?" he asked, with a concerned look on his face.

My heart skipped a beat at his question.
"I have to attend my ex's engagement party today, so I need to get ready," I said and winked at him.

"Your ex?" he looked puzzled.

"Oh my, you should see your face right now," I giggled.

"I mean, I don't think anyone goes to their ex's engagement," he said.

"Well, I will," I replied. "Would you like to go grab some coffee?"

We made our way to the nearest cafe, 'B a r I s t a' it served top-tier coffee and the food here was to die for.
I talked enthusiastically about the cafe, showering it with compliments, and he patiently listened. At one point, I felt ashamed and stopped speaking. 

"Why did you stop?" He inquired. 

I sulked and replied, "It's embarrassing because I'm the only one talking." 

"I enjoy listening to you talk," he replied, and his words left me breathless. How can he make me feel things I've never felt before? It's frustrating. Does this mean what I felt for Pankaj wasn't love? Wait, why am I considering what I feel for Raj as love? He must have noticed my deep thoughts because he asked, "A penny for your thoughts?" I tried to brush it off, but he seemed sceptical. However, he didn't pursue the topic. "We're here!" I exclaimed, jumping into the car with the excitement of a child. "You're such a child," he teased as he followed me.

"Darshana Chachi!" I hugged the owner as soon as I saw her.
"Oh, good morning beta, how are you?" She patted my head.
"I'm fantastic, I brought my friend with me today." I grinned.
"Umm, hello," Raj said.
"Oh, what a handsome guy, are you sure he's not your boyfriend?" She teased.
I coughed, "Ahem, positive."
"Too bad, well, have a seat and order whatever you want it is on the house." And she went away.

Raj and I chatted about various things, including business, politics, and personal topics. During our conversation, I learned that he had a younger brother, an older sister (whom I was already acquainted with), and many cousins.

"Wow, you have a big family, don't you?" I said as I chewed on my cheesecake.

I confided in him about my family dynamics, outlining the challenges I faced with my brother and father's overprotective nature.

"I have to be extra careful when meeting them," he said, and I chuckled.

During our conversation, he shared details about his past relationships, and in turn, I opened up to him about my experience with Pankaj.

It turns out that even he will attend the engagement party. I suggested that he bring Meghna with him so that Kavita would have a friend to keep her company and wouldn't be cranky.

"Okay then, meet you at the party?" I said.

"Of course." He said as he hugged me. "See you." He said as he got into his car and drove off, and I stood there stunned.


(I am so done with chemistry. I'm done, I'm not studying it once I'm out of high school. Seriously.

Anyway, enjoy reading)

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