Ch 38

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***A/N My vision of Emerson ^ let me know what you think.***

Tris POV

"You sure you are ready for this?" Levi stands outside of my apartment holding my last box of kitchen supplies and whatever other junk I shoved in there.

"Yeah. I am."

He walks pass me shoving the box on top of the others in his jeep wrangler. I admired his biceps as they released their strain from the box's weight.  "You said your goodbyes to everyone?" I nod even though we both know other then him and my grandmother there wasn't much of anyone else I was close to here. "You call Chris?"

My smile grew, "I did. She is...beyond screeching excitement." We both chuckled as he drew me into his free arms.

"So I'll stay with you for the weekend then I have to head back for work." He spoke into my hair and his arms tightened around me. "What's going to happen when you see him?"

"What do you mean?" I leaned back starring into the mismatch beauty of his eyes.

"Nothing." His hand reached up catching a stray strand of my hair the wind tried to escape with. "I'm really going to miss you." His lips connected with mine and I savored his sweet taste, mapping out his mouth with my tongue. He pulled away and I felt my lip pout. "Don't do that or I will be liable to bite it and then make you beg to go back to my place."

We laughed quietly together, "I'm glad I took you up on that coffee two years ago."

"Me too."


"TRIS!!!!!" Chris came barreling at me as I stepped onto her lawn.

"UMphh. Hi Chris."

"I haven't seen you since Christmas and all I get is a 'Hi Chris.'" She mocks me jokingly. Chris made sure to visit me as much as possible which with our schedules wasn't too often. "I see you brought Mr.Sexyandcharming. Hey Levi!"

"Hey Chris." He walks around the Jeep pulling me into his side and I hooked my arm around his waist.

"So are you staying..."

"For only the weekend." Her eyes moved to mine and I gave her my 'I will talk with you about it later' look.

"Well come on in for dinner. Will should be getting here any time now." I still can't believe they are still together, it has been what six years. Then again...I look up at Levi, if Karson was still here I had no doubt in my mind that they would still be together too. Levi was the sweetest guy I think I have ever met. He may have been a horn dog and for the last two years he has been my horn dog, but he would never intentionally hurt someone.

"Why are you starring at me like that?" His smile cocked to the side making my heart skip.

" are really hot." He laughed and pulled me forward into Chris and Will's place.


"So tell you love him?" Chris and I stare out the kitchen window watching Levi and Will get into the Wrangler to take my stuff to my house.


"He loves you." I slam my eyes shut and lean my body against the edge of the sink.

"It isn't like that for us."

She huffed out an exaggerated laugh. "Yeah." She sets the last plate in the dishwasher and turns to me. "Being with someone for two years. Letting them know everything about you, sleeping with that person and staying faithful....that isn't love? Then I guess I have been feeling the wrong things for Will." She raises her eyebrows competitively.

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