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Dear Middle School Friend,
Today you told me your darkest secret and I felt like we had grown closer. Though after you told me, I noticed you were fidgety. Like you were scared I wouldn't believe you or write you off, but I didn't. I tried to help you. I even offered to tell you my darkest secret, so we would be even. But you see, you're the one who wrote me off. You told me my problems were just "normal" and that your life was worse than mine. I never said it was, I said it was my secret. I can't figure out if I'm doing such a good job at hiding it or if you just generally don't care to notice. I've noticed for years with you and have always asked you about it but you dismissed me like it was nothing. You have never once asked me about anything.

I would just like to tell you this: Don't judge someone before you get to know their whole story. Everyone comes with baggage. And your life, is no worse than someone else's. Don't write off their problems like nothing because to them, that's all they've had to deal with. So sure, I barely have reasons to justify my eating disorder but at least I know I have one. At least I can admit it. At least I'm trying to get better. I tried telling you but you wouldn't listen. You constantly come to me for advice but where were you when I needed someone? Where were you when I started struggling? So I'm sorry, for ever thinking my problems were real enough for you to listen to. I'll keep my mouth shut, after all I've done it for years.

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