Chapter 6: Bar fight!

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*Lan gets some fast food and walks to where Sonic was hiding. Sonic was not there and he drops the food.*

Lan: "Oh no..." 

*Paranoid, Lan walks into the biker bar, Piston pit, looking around for Sonic. Lan notices Sonic sitting at a table wearing a cowboy hat, a red shirt, and a pair of sunglasses as a terrible disguise. Sonic turns to Lan, tipping his hat.*

Sonic: "Howdy partner"

Lan: "I'm not your partner- anyways we're leaving. We're not allowed here."

Sonic: "But there is a ZZ top cover band! You should see their beards!"

Lan: "We'll have to do that another time, Lets go! Hurry up!"

Sonic: "If we stay, I promise I won't say another word for the rest of the trip, ok?!"

*A waitress walks over to Lan and Sonic, concerned*

Waitress: "Hey, No kids allowed in here. What does he got on, a mask of some sort?"

Lan: "Uh, Actually.. I'm 34 and he's 43 and we suffer from a condition that stunts our growth and he suffers from a rare skin disease that makes him..look like that"

Sonic: "The face I was born with. The confidence however, I picked up along the way-"

Waitress: "Oh, in that case..Welcome to the Piston pit, what can I get you fellas?

Sonic: "OO! I want some nachos and buffalo wings. Oh, and guac. Funny word isn't it? Guac, guac! Guaccccc!"

Lan: "He'll have a mello yellow and I'll have water, please."

Waitress: "Okay."

*Lan sits down at the table*

Sonic: "I never sat on a barstool before! So squishy! Oh, look at this, it spins!" *Sonic starts spinning in the chair*

Sonic: " Whoa, whoa, whoa!"

Lan: "Yes. That's nice." *Lan was bored*

Sonic: "Whaa-ha-ha-ha!...I feel sick..." 

*Sonic mumbles as he stops spinning in the chair* 

Lan: "Are you having fun? Gonna check this off the ol' bucket list, huh? "

Sonic: "What's a bucket list?"

Lan: "A bucket list is, uh, it's a list of things you want to do in your life before you, well, kick the bucket."

Sonic: "I've never kicked a bucket either! Ooh, I gotta make my list!" *Sonic zips off, steals a pen and pad, comes back to the table and starts writing a list*

Sonic: "Uh-huh! Mm-hmm! Oh, Sonic! Ha-ha! Uh-huh!..." *Sonic looks down*

Lan: "What? What's wrong?"

Sonic: "...There's so much stuff I've never done. And now that I'm leaving Earth forever, I guess I missed my chance."

Lan: "Well, I guess this is the kind of place you could get a lot of living done in a short period of time. I suppose we can spare an hour."

Sonic: "What? You're gonna bucket list with me?!"

Lan: "Sure, why not?"

Sonic: "You won't regret this!"

Megaman: "Ehh..I bet he will.."

*A Montage of Sonic and Lan having fun at the Piston pit. They do fun activities such as playing darts, Lan using Sonic as a basketball, Sonic using his legs to build up Lan's basketball score, dancing, Sonic riding a mechanical bull..*

Sonic: "Wait a second, is this bull missing a head, or does it have two butts? Hah, this is easy!" *Lan decides to pick up the speed by putting the bull at its highest speed.*
Sonic: "YEE-HAW! I'M A COWBOY BABY!" *Sonic gets yeeted(thrown) off the bull but zips back as if that didn't just happen.*

*Time passes and the two are back at the table*

Lan:  "Yeah, yeah, laugh it up."

Sonic: "Nice work, Romeo!"

Lan: "Glad you're having a good time..." *Lan says, sarcastically laughing.*

Sonic: "I AM having a good time! I'm having the best time! I mean, what could go wrong?"*A bunch of mean-looking patrons walk over to Sonic and Lan. Lan gets scared*

Lan: "Um...can we help you guys?"

Thug: "We don't like your kind around here"

Lan: "...What do you mean 'our kind'?..."

Sonic: "'Our kind'? What kind is that?"

Thug: "Hipsters."

*Sonic gasps.*

Sonic:  "How dare you!"

Lan:"Hey, you know what? We were just about to leave anyways, there's no problem here-"

Sonic:"No, no, it's ok-"

Lan:"No, we're leaving-"

Sonic: "I Know exactly how to handle this." *Sonic grabs a beer bottle* 

Sonic: "Pop quiz, hotshot. You just picked a fight with a poorly disguised hedgehog who has seen wayy too manny action movies. What do you do? What do you do? Ha!" *Sonic tries smashing the bottle but it doesn't work* 

Sonic: "Wha- am i going crazy? It's supposed to break right?.." *he continues trying, his speed increasing.*

Sonic: "Bink...bink..bink... break please, break please, break this bottle- please please please!!"

Lan: "Sonic-??"

Megaman: "Netto-kun, watch out!!" *The man punches Lan in the face, knocking him into other patrons, causing a bar fight.*

Lan: "Nice going, Sonic!"

Sonic:"thanks! It's awesome, right? All right, who's next? Who wants some? Who do I get to beat up? Hey! Has anybody seen my waitress? Still waiting on those buffalo wings!" 

*Sonic jumps and starts punching the thug in the face a bunch then he somersaults, landing on the floor. The thug tries tackling Sonic, but time has stopped. Everybody except Sonic was frozen. "BOOM" By X Ambassadors starts playing as Sonic runs around the place setting a bunch of traps and pranks for everyone. Sonic takes a selfie with a random person and eats some chili dogs. The bar fight soon ends and Sonic imitates a bull wrestler. Sonic uses a random napkin and the man runs towards him. The man ends up running past him and crashes through the window, breaking his neck in the process. Sonic saves Lan and the two rush out of the bar, heading towards the car* (I cut part of this scene off because I got lazy)

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