Epilogue/The End

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*A couple days pass, and everything is back to normal...sort of.*

*Yuichiro Hikari and Haruka Hikari were fixing their house from the attack. Until a knock on the front door can be heard. Megaman and Lan decide to answer to see Commander Walters on the doorstep.*

Commander Walters:  "Mr. Hikari and Mr. Megaman.Exe?"

Both Megaman and Lan:  "Yes?" 

*The Commander hands them an envelope.*

Commander Walters: "A token of appreciation for your government for keeping quiet about recent incidents which never occurred."

*Lan takes the envelop and looks at it*

Lan: "Huh.."

Megaman: "I wonder what it is.."

Lan: "Is itttt...Money to fix the house? Letter from the president?"

Commander Walters: "You'll see."

Lan: "Alright.." 

*Lan opens the envelope and pulls out a $50 gift card for #1 Curry.*

Megaman: "Number one curry, oh brother.."

  *Megaman groans as Lan's smile grows wider.*


Megaman: "The way you said 'You'll see' made me think it was something better than the stuff Netto said." 

Lan: "Thanks so much! We appreciate the gesture."

Megaman: "I guess we should close the file on that Robotnik guy, he just disappeared."

 Commander Walters: "I'm sorry, but no such person exists or ever has existed."

Lan: "I wish that was true-"

Commander Walters: "You haven't, by any chance, been in contact with a certain alien creature since the incident, have you? Uncle Sam would love to have a chat with him. Very casual. Brunch, perhaps."

Lan: "Oh, you mean the little blue guy? No. No, nothing. No."

Megaman: "Nope!"

Lan: "Doubt we'll ever hear from him again."

Megaman: "Yep!"

Commander Walters:  "Very well."

Lan: "Okay. Thank you." 

*Lan closes the door as Sonic walks in.*

Sonic: "So, do you guys wanna watch a movie or what?"

Lan: "Oh hell yeah!"

Yuichiro: "No, Lan. It's a school night. Sonic, go back to your cave."

Sonic: "What?! It's 3:00 in the afternoon!"

Lan: "That's uncool!"

Yuichiro: "You know how you get when you're tired, Sonic. Come on"

Sonic: "Me? I'm not like anything! You're lame!"

 Yuichiro: "Yeah, yeah, I know." 

*Sonic starts walking to the front door.*

Lan: "Hey, where are you going?"

Sonic: "Your dad said I had to go back to my cave-"

Lan: "Well, he did..but.."

 *Lan and Megaman take Sonic to the attic, letting him(Sonic) go in first. Sonic notices that all of his things were now in the attic, making him smile.*

Sonic: "Oh, my- Are you kidding me? I can't believe it. How did you-- It's-- it's all here." 

*Lan and Megaman walk as Sonic starts running around excited.*

Sonic: "Look at this! Are you kidding?! And the beanbag?! No way! How did you even get this?! And you got it all the way over–" 

*Sonic laughs and does a fortnite dance on his bed and then jumps up and down a bunch.*

Sonic: "I love it, I love it, I love it, I love it!"

  *Lan and Megaman sit next to Sonic*

Lan: "Welcome home, Buddy!"

Sonic: "Thanks so much!" 

*Rush runs inside as the camera zooms out. Rush was barking at Sonic.*

Sonic: "Oh, no, you don't! No second-best animal friends allowed in my room." 

*Rush approaches Sonic and starts licking him.*

Sonic: "Wait, what are you doing? Stay away from me! Stop it! I'm warning you, I've got nunchucks! Hey, stop! Okay, you can stay!" 

*Sonic says, giggling.*

*Meanwhile, Robotnik is seen, completely insane and looking at his reflection in a puddle of water. Robotnik has shaved his head bald and his mustache is longer than ever.*

Dr. Robotnik: "My grasp on sanity remains... absolute. Isn't that right, Mr Match?" 

*Robotnik turns his head to look at a stone carving of Mr Match. Robotnik picks up the rock*

Dr. Robotnik: "Why don't you get a head start!" 

*The Doctor throws the rock and he hits a mushroom.*

Dr. Robotnik: "Do some Rock-Connaissance! HAHAHAHAHA! ROCK-CONNAISSANCE! Come on, that's hilarious! What's the matter with you?!" 

*The Doctor picks up his log that reads "DOCTORS LOG:DAY 87."*

Dr. Robotnik: "Here's the "sitch": Uninhabited planet, no resources, no supplies, no apparent way home... A lesser man would die here..I'll be home by Christmas." 

*Robotnik puts on a huge backpack and grabs a tiny container that houses Sonic's quil. Robotnik picks up the rock and throws it again.*

*The screen fades to black as the film's logo appears yet again before the credits. While the credits are playing, plays in the background. After Speed me up ends, some Sonic songs play in the background and after those songs, Songs from Megaman Battle Network play.*

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