Chapter 11: The Final battle!

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*Sonic turns away and tosses the ring..only for it to bounce off of one of Dr. Robotnik's drones. A bunch more drones appear and start closing in on the children*

Sonic: "Ok, did someone leave 'Find my iPhone' on??" 

*Sonic steps back and sees an aircraft nearby, it was Robotnik's eggpod. The ship's cockpit soon opens, revealing the Doctor, who was smirking*

 The ship's cockpit soon opens, revealing the Doctor, who was smirking*

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Dr. Robotnik: "Welcome to Cyber city, Mr. Hikari. Are you enjoying the clam chowder?"

Lan: "That's the government guy who was trying to kill us!"

Megaman: "Unsuccessfully." 

*Megaman's remark makes Robotnik pissed.*

Lan: "Nice of you to swing by on your way to Comic con-"

Maylu: "What are you wearing?" 

*The Doctor glances at the suit and then back at the kids*

Dr. Robotnik: "It's a flight suit, designed to modulate my body temperature and reduce drag!"

Lan: "Yeah, and you still are one."

Dr. Robotnik: "Oh-hoo! Good one. You are catching fire, Netto. Oh, and speaking of heat, I see you've taken a friend. Does she have a name, or should we just call her "collateral damage"?" 

*The Doctor chuckles as he drums the sides of the Eggpod* 

Lan: "Hey, watch your mouth! Unless you want a little more of what I gave you earlier."

Megaman: "He threw the P.E.T at the guy-"

Sonic: "It hit him right in the face, it was awesome!" 

Dr. Robotnik: "The time for talking is over!" 

*Robotnik clenches his teeth.* 

Dr. Robotnik: "It's time to push buttons!"

*The Doctor opens a button capsule of some sort and the energy from Sonic's quill powers the Eggpod and the drones.*

Sonic: "That's not good-"

Lan: "Sonic, I know you got the super speed and everything, but Maylu and I–" 

*Suddenly the P.E.T Starts glowing and pixels appear infront of Lan*

Lan: "What the-" 

                                     *A familiar blue navi appears.*

Lan: "MEGAMAN?!"

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Lan: "MEGAMAN?!"

Megaman: "Woah.. What happened?"

Sonic: "Not sure but now's not the time!" 

*Sonic turns to Lan.*

Sonic:"  You guys are totally defenseless right?"

Lan: "Pretty much, yep."

Sonic: "Don't worry, I got an idea. And Mega, you help-"

Megaman: "O-oh, okay!" 

*Both Megaman and Sonic push Lan and Maylu off the roof, causing them to scream.*

Megaman: "Sorry guys!" 

*Robotnik looks down, noticing the falling children.*

Dr. Robotnik: "I was not expecting that... But I was expecting not to expect something, so it doesn't count." 

*The drones fire their weapons at the Blue bomber and the Blue blur. But it seems that Time has stopped once again and both Sonic and Megaman were aware. Sonic looks at his wrist then starts playing around with some of the missiles and bullets from the Egg drones. Sonic destroys some of them as Megaman uses his Megabuster to blast some of them. Megaman also uses his sword to slash them as well.*  

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*The two are able to destroy most of the drones but Robotnik pushes a button making the quill fully charge the Eggpod, giving him supersonic speed. Sonic makes a shooting hands gesture to two more Egg Drones. The Doctor fires a laser blast at Sonic, But Megaman pushes him out of the way. The two notice Lan and Maylu still falling and both of them try getting a ring.*

Sonic: "Come on!" 

*Sonic tries air swimming to get the ring while Megaman tries using his Cyber sword.*

Sonic: "Come on, come on, come on!" 

*Megaman manages to grab a ring and races towards the falling kids. Megaman throws the ring and it opens a portal to a barn. The two end up losing control as Lan and Maylu land on hay*

Sonic: "Woah, woah, woah! No, no, no!" 

 *Both Megaman and Sonic crash into a bunch of trees and land onto the ground as rings scatter everywhere. Megaman's arm turns into pixels due to the damage.*

  *The words "Recreating right arm, EXECUTE." can be heard from Lan's P.E.T as Megaman tries repairing his arm.*  

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