Chapter 4

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The first rays of sun entered through the window and filled the room with a weak light. It was early, but Evelyn had already packed everything she would need and was clean and dressed.

She looked outside her balcony and into the forest, where she was walking last night, then up at the sky that started brightening, bringing some feeling of nostalgia for the dark night sky she was watching last night.

She went through her stuff one last time and then lay on her bed and looked at the white ceiling. She hadn't been at that place for long and so she hadn't exactly bonded with the place nor did she plan to. It was luxurious, comfortable and all, but it felt nothing like home.

Home... What does home feel like?

She didn't remember the feeling of being home. Some would even say she didn't even know the meaning of the word. And perhaps they weren't wrong. She wondered what it would be like to have a normal life. A life with real parents and even siblings.

But she knew deep inside, she couldn't have that. Nor would she want it. She had been through so much. She gained knowledge, experience and skills. She liked that she was the only person she could talk to about everything and feel she is being understood. She liked to be able to depend only on herself almost without needing anyone else. She wanted to be unique like that. Different from the others. And she was different even in that painful way. And somehow that made her feel relieved.

And she hated it...

She hated the fact that somewhere deep inside her she felt proud of herself for everything she had accomplished and for the way she coped with any difficult situation she faced. She felt ashamed and at the same time proud of herself. And it made her crazy that she had to deal with so many different feelings and thoughts clashing with each other.

But she was always able to pull off the act perfectly. Acting like she found hope again. Acting like everything was going to be fine. Acting like she left everything behind and was making a new start. And nobody was able to see through any of it. She had managed to build a sweet and kind personality and nobody was able to tell how different she actually was behind that fake front.

All her new life was an act. And the bad thing was that she was extremely skilled at pulling it out perfectly.

And she was genuinely proud of herself for that.


"Good morning Evelyn dear, are you ready yet? Do you need any help? May I come in?" a sweet voice was heard outside her door.

She quickly stood up and smiled cheerfully before running to open the door.

"Good morning Fay. I am done with packing, but thanks for the offer anyway" the girl said, stepping aside, so that the woman could come in.

"Oh, I'll never understand how you are done with things so quickly" she said and her enthusiastic smile turned to a slightly sad one. She turned to look at the girl and hugged her.

The girl tensed at the sudden touch but decided not to push the lady away and instead hesitantly wrapped her arms around her.

"I know we haven't been together for that long but I'm gonna miss you and your beautiful smile" the lady said.

If Evelyn was an emotional person she would have teared up and hugged even tighter, but that wasn't the case.

"I shouldn't wet your shirt with my tears" the middle-aged woman said and pulled away trying to hold back her tears and very obviously failing.

"Don't worry Fay we'll see each other again after you come back and don't worry about me, I'm gonna be fine" the girl said and smiled again.

The woman in front of her nodded and gently squeezed the hand that was placed on her shoulder.

"Let's go downstairs to make you some breakfast now, shall we?" Fay said as she pulled the girl along downstairs.

Evelyn sometimes found herself wondering why she couldn't be happy with her life in the Forest Manor. It was quiet, cozy, comfortable and had people that cared about her. But maybe that was exactly the reason. That and the fact that there was something more important to accomplish in order to find happiness.

A plate with food was placed in front of her interrupting her thoughts.

"Here you go darling. Start eating before it gets cold! And don't worry about Miss Forest, she's already had breakfast" Faye said and smiled with glassy eyes.

The girl smiled back and started eating.


Almost immediately after she finished, Miss Forest entered the dining room.

"Good morning Evelyn. Are you ready to go?" she asked and gave her a kind smile.

"Good morning Miss Forest" the girl said and got up from her seat. "Yes, I am"

"I'm glad. then please bring your luggage down here so that we can be on our way. I cannot afford to be late for my flight" the woman said with heavy British accent.

The girl obeyed and in less than 20 minute everything was packed in the limousine.

"I will escort you there" Miss Forest told the girl, as Fay was giving the second another tight hug.

"Goodbye sweetie" Fay said waving, tears running down her cheeks.

The girl waved back and smiled before closing the car's door.

"To the Wayne Manor, please" Miss Forest ordered the driver and the girl took one last look at the Forest manor as it was slowly fading away.

Hello people!

So here I am with a new chapter. I decided to make this one longer since I wanted to make you meet Evelyn a little better.

I know I said in the beginning that I would try to make an OC with a more tough and cold personality but I decided I will have her act more sweetly with her adoptive mother (or grandmother?) and after she meets the Waynes she will slightly drop the act and act cold and tough.

It took me a while to write this chapter, because I wanted it to come out exactly as I imagined it and I can say I am satisfied with the way it turned out.

If you have any questions or suggestions or find any mistake don't hesitate to leave a comment.

Cya in the next chapter

(P.S. The image up there is the closest thing I found to what I imagined Miss Forest's mansion to look like. And the image does not belong to me)

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