Chapter 10

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(a/n: The picture used does not belong to me)

Evie returned to her room after finishing her breakfast. She quickly gathered her books and got ready for her online classes. Of course she was aware of what Mr. Wayne told her, and probably  going outside and being around other people once in a while would do her some good. However, socializing was never a thing she was good at and she definitely wasn't looking forward to it.

Her class started and she tried to actually pay attention. Online classes were easy. You didn't have to talk to anyone but the teacher, you didn't have to interact with the other students and you were in the comfort of your own home. But her thoughts were interrupted when the teacher asked the students to take notes.


"Miss Evelynn, lunch is prepared" a voice was heard from outside the door.

"Thank you Alfred, I will be down in a minute" she said and heard the footsteps slowly fading.

She took spared one last look at her Algebra book and left her room to go downstairs. On her way there she heard female voices coming from the kitchen and they surely didn't belong to the other three residents of the house. She took a deep breath and put her best efforts in making the grin on her face to appear as something close to a smile.

She entered the dinning room in hopes that she would remain unnoticed but unfortunately her prayers were everything but answered.

"Hello Evelyn, please have a seat" said Bruce.

Hoping her obvious distaste for the unfortunate situation she was in would appear as shyness, she walked to the only empty seat that was between a boy possibly in his mid-twenties with a white streak on his hair and a bubbly-looking red-haired girl with glasses. Damn, was the only thought on her mind at that moment.

"Oh my, who is this? A new addition to the family?" said the red-haired girl, her voice filled with excitement and a bright smile on her face.

"I would like you to meet Evelyn Forest, daughter of Ellie Forest and she will be staying with us for as long as Ellie is away on business" Bruce introduced "And these are-"

"Barbara. Nice to meet you, Evelyn" the red-haired girl smiled and extended her hand to her. Evelyn took and shook it. "And these are Jason, Tim, Dick and you have probably already met Damian" introduced Barbara and everyone except Damian greeted her.

"Pleasure to meet you all" said Evelyn putting on her best smile.

"So, Evelyn, why don't you tell us more about yourself?" Asked Barbara.

"What would you like to know?" aksked Evie putting great efforts in keeping the smile on her face.

"Are you also attending Gotham Academy?" 

"Are you attending the same class with Damian?"

"Are you two the same age?"

"Who's your History teacher?"

That was the main reason why Evelyn hated socialising with a passion, more so when sociable people like these were involved, but the show was still on.

"Yes, but the online classes, no, probably and Mrs. Fletcher" said Evelyn.

"What??? She's still not retired?" asked a boy with icy blue eyes and who Barbara introduced as Dick.

"Apparently not" answered Evelyn.

 Thankfully, Alfred came in carrying the food cancelling any further questions. Not for long however.

"So Evelyn, how do you like it here so far?" asked Dick.

"It's a beautiful place to live in, but also quite huge, I'm still struggling to find my way around sometimes" Evelyn answered with a smile. It was true. Well, apart from the fact that she got lost, she had managed to memorise all the hallways and the general layout of the manor.

"Clearly bigger than Ellie's then" stated Damian causing Bruce to glare at him and earning a nudge from Dick who was sitting next to him.

"Who knows? Maybe we could check it out together when Miss Ellie comes back" said Evelyn flashing him an innocent smile. That earned her a glare from Damian. An interestingly pleasing sight, she had to admit.

After that, the small talk continued without her and she was finally able to eat the meal that had already turned quite cold in silence.


"It was a pleasure to meet you and I really hope we will be able to talk again or even go out together if you'd like" said Barbara shaking her hand smiling.

"I would also like that and it was very nice meeting you too" said Evelyn smiling.

She shook hands with everyone and bade them goodbye before turning to go back to her room.

"And don't worry about Damian, you'll get used to him eventually" said Dick smiling before turning to push Barbara's wheelchair out.

She smiled back at him, but she rolled her eyes internally. She was far too hard to please and he was far too easy to hate. Just the right combination.

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⏰ Last updated: 6 days ago ⏰

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