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A temptation I cannot fight
A warped perception clogs my brain
Moral wrongs become standard rights
Only triggers and guilt remain
A lifestyle filled with constant woe
Stuck with the demons of hell below

A warped perspective clogs my brain
Distorted lust that's wanting more
Urges I can't help but sustain
Hiding behind an open door
It's hard keeping them at bay
A fickle dance of crude ballet

Moral wrongs become standard rights
My moral compass left to spin
Wandering through the tainted blight
Infecting everywhere I've been
Walk the path that which I travel
Sins pile up like falling gravel

Only triggers and guilt remain
A lifeless shell that lost control
It's roots run deep, firmly ingrained
Warped affection swallowed me whole
Oh what I'd do for just a touch
Tender love to use as my crutch

A lifestyle filled with constant woe
I'm the only one left to blame
Even if I can only grow
My strive for change is fueled by shame
I wonder if I'll be ok?
Regardless of my debts to pay

Stuck with the demons of hell below
Their presence comforts through despair
They were here all those years ago
When I stepped in the devil's snare
A curse that's left me all alone
As I kneel down to Satan's throne.

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