The Roomate

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College. The place most highschoolers go to get their hopes and dreams crushed by plummeting grades and too-high tuitions. The place where people learn that coffee doesn't actually taste that bad, and the place where bad habits are picked up easily. There are some ups and downs to the place- having freedom from parents and more opportunities to make friends, parties and a flexible schedule. To Wilbur- it was just draining.

If he could, he would've skipped the whole process of learning and submitting assignments and getting a good score- go straight to the earning real money part- but no. Of course he couldn't. Because apparently, most jobs require a degree. Something you can only get if you go to college.

Wilbur mutters bitterly to himself as he dragged his suitcase across the asphalt while crossing his college campus, idly observing many other students flittering around him as they prepared for the new semester to start.

You could tell who's new here and who wasn't- the freshmen scurrying around with their friends trying to find their way, almost buzzing with nervousness and excitement. The college experience was new and glorified to them. New and exciting. They finally get to enjoy their newfound freedom and hang out with their friends.

Wilbur resisted laughing at a group of cheerful freshmen passing by. They wouldn't be cheerful for long.

Nearly everyone else was dead on their feet, dreading the work the new semester would bring. Wilbur has to admit, the break had done wonders for his mental health and complexion, as it usually did for everyone else as well. Just being away from this place was healing in all honesty. Before the break, it was like a breath of fresh air as soon as he stepped off campus, and now that he's back, he can't help but feel a headache coming on already.

It didn't matter much. He knew soon enough he'd be as good as a walking corpse- nearly brain dead from all the work and practice he'll be doing, holed up in his dorm every night until the birds begin to sing.

It's safe to say Wilbur isn't very happy to be back.

Wilbur grunted and hoisted his special guitar case further up his back, keeping a steady grip on the strap in front.

It's his third year at this stupid fucking place. He had a bit of resentment for school in general, but it only grew after he enrolled in college. It was partially the work; being a music major involved way too much effort than Wilbur thought was necessary- and what made it worse was dorming with a roommate. The college is too far away from his parents house for him to drive there and back everyday, so he had to choose between the dorm fee or paying in full for an apartment. The choice was pretty obvious. The dorm had been cheaper to cover and stay in, that cost being shoved in with his tuition fees, but it was less expensive than an apartment, and that was all that had mattered to him. He hadn't thought about the possibility of having a roommate until it was too late.

Wilbur nearly cringed where he was walking in public just thinking about him. His last roommate had been a drug addict, nearly always staying up in the late hours partying and getting drunk with his pals. Wilbur would usually be the one to make sure the guy didn't actually die, listening to his drunk ramblings while trying and failing to put him to bed.

He never pulled his weight, never cleaning up after himself and letting the dorm room become a pigsty- Wilbur resented him. Resents him. Present tense.

Lucky for Wilbur, he managed to switch rooms this year, and best of all, he is by himself. Unless there's a split second change, this year should be stress free. At least on the people end of the spectrum. No roommates mean he's allowed to do his work in peace.

He's actually on his way to the dorms right now, weaving past the other students that trickled past him like a steady stream. Being too lost in his thoughts, he didn't even notice he was about to ram into a freshman until it was too late.

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